Researchers Database

Hisashi Ootuzi

    Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/23

Researcher Information


  • Master of Education(1992/03 Chiba Univ)



J-Global ID


  • My major is the science education, using qualitative research method. Also, I am interested in Transformative Education, STS Education, Environmental Education. Based on the Auto/ethnography, I always looking back my self. I teach Introduction of Education, Science Education, and Methodology of Science Education.

Research Interests

  • Cultural Studies of Science Education, Human and Nature   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Science education / Science Education

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2017 - Today  Saitama UniversityFaculty of EducationScience Education Methodology
  • 2016/04 - Today  Toyo UniversityCollege of Engineering and ScienceProfessor
  • 2020/04 - 2021/03  Saitama UniversityFaculty of EducationScience Education Methodology (Intensive Course) 2020
  • 2018 - 2021/03  Ibaraki UniversityFaculty of ScienceScience Education Methodology (Intensive Course)
  • 2012 - 2019/08  Shizuoka UniversityFaculty of ScienceScience Education Methodology (Intensive Course) 2012, 2014-
  • 2016/04 - 2017/03  Ibaraki UniversityCollege of Education理科教育法特講、初等理科教育法研究(非常勤講師)
  • 2007/04 - 2016/03  Ibaraki UniversityCollege of Education准教授
  • 2007 - 2016/03  -:国立大学法人茨城大学准教授(教育学部)
  • 1997/10 - 2016/03  Ibaraki UniveristyCollege of EducationAssociate Professor
  • 2004/04 - 2007/03  国立大学法人茨城大学教育学部助教授
  • 1997/10 - 2004/03  Ibaraki UniversityCollege of Education助教授
  • 1995/04 - 1997/09  Ibaraki UniversityCollege of EducationLecturer (Full time)
  • 1991/04 - 1994/03  Chiba High School理科I(地学分野)(非常勤講師)


  • 1993/04 - 1995/03  Tokyo Institute of Technology  Graduate School of Integrated Science and Engineering  System Science
  • 1992/04 - 1993/03  Tokyo Institute of Technology  CRADLE
  • 1990/04 - 1992/03  Chiba University  Graduate School of Education  Science Education
  • 1985/04 - 1990/03  Chiba University  College of Education
  • 1982/04 - 1985/03  Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School

Association Memberships

  • EASE (Ease-Asian Association for Science Education)   Society of Japan Science Teaching   Japan Society of Earth Science Education   Japan Society for Science Education   The Japanese Society for Environmental Education   

Published Papers

Books etc

  • The Origin of Primary Science Education in Japan: A case of an East Asian Country
    Hisashi OTSUJI (Single work)University of Campinas (Unicamp) and São Paulo State University (Unesp), Brazil. 2022 
    In this chapter, readers encounter the introduction and transition of primary science education in Japan. Some practical educators and their hidden backgrounds are emphasized, in addition to a review of events related to science education. Since the modern education system was introduced in the 1870s, the children-centered methodology of Pestalozzi and Fröbel was significant. Currently, according to international comparative surveys, Japanese students’ performance in science is remarkable. However, the influence of social backgrounds such as World War II, democratic education after the war, and cultural backgrounds such as the view of nature and Mahayana Buddhism has not been seriously examined. As modern education began, there were foreign influences, legislation was put in place, and views of nature and nationalism were affected. In the modernization process, the people changed their values and responded flexibly. The effects of war cannot be ignored. It is our responsibility to review our values and history, looking to the future.
  • 科学教育・技術教育とSTS
    大辻永 (Single work)藤垣・塚原ほか編著『よくわかる現代科学史・STS』ミネルヴァ書房 2021/08
  • Otsuji, H (Single work)Isozaki & Sumida (eds.). Science Education Research and Practice from Japan, London: Springer 2021/07 9789811627453 221 109-131 
    In this chapter, I present all the protocols of a lesson video conducted by a veteran elementary science teacher, Mr. Fujio Hiramatsu, and interpret it as if the readers were taking my teaching methodology class at university. The lesson was an "electromagnet" for a sixth-grade elementary school student, conducted at the attached Elementary School of the University of Tsukuba. Hiramatsu had found that children miss understood the essential concept of the electromagnet, and then conducted the lesson starting with one enameled wire. Through a multi-disciplinary approach, such as historical examination and the interview, I not only confirm some basic skills of teachers' but also point out some advanced techniques. You will see how sensitive the teacher's thoughts are, that class is a work of art, and that research themes are hidden in daily practice.
  • 大辻永 (Single work第12章)鶴岡義彦(編著). 『科学的リテラシーを育成する理科教育の創造』 大学教育出版 2019/09 9784866920436 319 224-244
  • Students' and teachers' views on "Human and Nature" in high school compulsory science subject, Science I
    Yoshihiko TSURUOKA; Hisashi OTSUJI (Joint work第5章)鶴岡義彦(編著). 『科学的リテラシーを育成する理科教育の創造』 大学教育出版 2019/09 9784866920436 319 86-103
  • OTSUJI Hisashi (Single workCh.10)P.C.Taylor, & B.C.Luitel. (eds.), Research as Transformative Learning for Sustainable Futures: Global Voices and Visions, Brill/Sense Publishers. 2019/03 9789004393332 346 161-171
  • Primary School Science Teacher Training in East-Asia: In the Continuous Reforming for the Quality Assurance
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Phil Seok OH; Chang Chun LIN; Wing Mui Winnie SO; Yu-ling LU (Joint workCh.9, 245-272)Taipei: Higher Education Publishing Co., Ltd. 2016/09 9781539468059 446 
    in Huann-shyang Lin, John K. Gilbert, & Chi-Jui Lien (eds.). Science Education Research and Practice in East Asia: Trends and Perspectives, Chapter 9
  • ふしぎのタネを
    大辻永 (Single work)茨城大学教育学部・茨城大学教育学部附属幼稚園. 『楽しく遊んで、子どもを伸ばす:子育て・保育の悩みに教育研究者が答えるQ&A』福村出版 2016/08 9784571110399 122 76-80
  • 学校安全・防災訓練
    大辻 永 (Single workコラム5)三村信男監修・田村誠・伊藤哲司・木村競・加藤禎久・坂上伸生編『ポスト震災社会のサステイナビリティ学:地域と大学の新たな協働をめざして』国際文献社 2014/03 9784902590364 207 57-58
  • 自然災害と理科授業
    大辻永 (第9章第6節)大高泉(編著)『新しい学びを拓く理科授業の理論と実践―中学・高等学校編』(MINERVA21世紀教科教育講座)ミネルヴァ書房 2013/03 9784623061624 253 233-242
  • 大辻永 (Single work)2013/02 66 
    研究課題番号:24650515 平成 24 年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金(挑戦的萌芽研究) 菩薩としての教師、ベテラン教師の授業分析、Auto/ethnographyや定量的な研究、丸本喜一研究、海外での発表などをまとめた。
  • 生きてはたらく問題解決能力育成のために: 津波防災教育の教材研究
    大辻永 (第2章 自然の二面性を取り扱った防災教育の観点 第1節)藤岡達也(編著)『持続可能な社会をつくる防災教育』協同出版 2011/12 9784319006793 204 76-90 
    かつて有名な国語教材であった「稲むらの火」とその主人公のモデル濱口梧陵やその実際の復興策、明治三陸沖地震で有名になった「津波田老」、現地の防災カルタなどを事例に、教科横断的に学習内容をカリキュラムに組み入れる有効性、また探究的・協同的な学習の方法等を示した。(本書の著者: 大辻永; 大野綾子; 荻原彰; 白木克郎; 藤岡達也; 根本泰雄; 松井謙太; 美澤綾子)
  • Pedagogies in Sustainability Education
    Otsuji,H; Gunji, H (Joint work)Komiyama, Takeuchi, Shiroyama, Mino. (eds.) Sustainability Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach, United Nations University Press 2011/06 9789280811803 496 374-384
  • 三年寝太郎と金山衆
    大辻永 (第3章第2節. 伝統文化と地域環境の活用(2))藤岡達也(編著)『環境教育と総合的な学習の時間』協同出版 2011/03 9784319006700 204 126-135 
  • 『茨城大学発:持続可能な世界へ』
    茨城新聞社 2010/10 9784872732573 244
  • 「稲むらの火」のモデル濱口梧陵:人間愛と機転に満ちたハードとソフトの適応策
    大辻永 (第14章)三村信男・伊藤哲司・田村誠・佐藤嘉則(編著)『サステイナビリティ学をつくる-持続可能な地球社会人間システムを目指して』新曜社 2008/06 9784788511101 297 173-182 
  • 「総合的な学習」のすすめ方-教員養成の立場から-
    大辻永 藤岡達也(編著)『地域環境教育を主題とした「総合学習」の展開』協同出版 2006/03 9784319006519 191 23-30
  • 小川正賢; 大辻永 (第4章 宇宙・地球を探る 第1節 宇宙像の移り変わり pp.88-106)大日本図書 2003 4477015224 143p 88-106 
  • 漂う研究者-コペルニクス-
    大辻永 小川正賢(編著)『惑いのテクノロジー-科学技術社会をどう生きるか-』(東洋館出版社) 1998/03 9784491014241 212 82-97 
  • 1億総無責任時代の環境問題
    大辻永 調麻佐志・川崎勝(編著)『科学技術時代への処方箋』(北樹出版) 1997/04 9784893846112 206 106-125 

Conference Activities & Talks

  • The Moon in the Night of Nirvana  [Not invited]
    Hisashi Otsuji
    IX GeoSciEdu 2022, Matsue, Japan.  2022/08  Matsue, Shimane  International Geoscience Education Organisation
    We sometimes find the moonlight shining from almost the top (in Japan). On the other hand, in the drawing of Nirvana (Feb. 15th in lunar calendar), we find a full moon in low sky in the east (we know it was the sunset time). The disciples would have looked up at the rising moon and thought of the Buddha. How high did the full moon in the night of Nirvana go up in Kushinagar (26.7 degrees north latitude) where the Buddha died? There are five theories about the year of his death. I searched for the altitude of the moon and the time when the moon appeared in the east, respectively.
  • Hisashi Otsuji
    40th Agency Research In-House Review, West Visayas State University, Philippines  2022/04  Keynote oral presentation  online  West Visayas State University
  • 流域思想とアフプアア: 防災意識と自然認識の鍵概念  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第71回全国大会(群馬大会), 藤岡達也代表「課題研究: 理科で自然災害をどう取り扱うかⅥ」  2021/09  群馬大学  日本理科教育学会
    藤岡達也代表「課題研究: 理科で自然災害をどう取り扱うかⅥ」の一つとしての発表である。2021年7月熱海市での土砂災害で、複数の小さな流域から水が集まっていた地点で盛り土が崩れたという指摘があった。以前、(那珂川)流域に着目した環境教育を行っていたことから、その実践を改めて紹介し、最近広まっている「流域思想」や、ハワイ諸島で古来からあるアフプアアなどから、新しい小学校学習指導要領で2020年度から始まった新単元への期待を発表した。
  • The Philosophical Background of Art in STEAM Education: A Practical Trial for Prospective Science Teachers in Japan  [Not invited]
    Otsuji, H
    2021 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education  2021/06  Oral presentation  Shizuoka  East-Asian Association for Science Education
    In the first part of this paper, the background of Art in STEAM education is examined, based on the four main underlying philosophies in the history of educational curricula (idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism). From ancient times, discussions of knowledge or education have been conducted in relation to the existence of the supernatural (idealism and realism). After the 19th century and the appearance of the theory of evolution and the theory of relativity, such discussions moved from the pursuit of universality to questions of utility or effectiveness (pragmatism). In modern society, in which the dignity of the individual has been recognized, there is a belief in the potential and creativity of each person. Existentialism developed in such an era. In education, individualism and “choice” are emphasized, and Art has received significant attention. In the second part of this paper, the results of a trial of STEAM education for prospective science teachers in three universities (N = 167) are reported. The class explored the mystery of a haiku, using the moon’s shape to arrive at a new interpretation of the scene. T-test, analysis of variance, and chi-square test were performed, using factors such as gender, university, students' major and ordinary science score, and the degree of their interpretation of the haiku. Some significant differences were observed, but participants generally accepted this trial of STEAM education. Reflecting the philosophical background above, it was more valuable to emphasize students' own ideas and thoughts in the discussion process than to incorporate haiku.
  • 放射線教育を通した、教科等横断的な視点による資質・能力及び活用力の育成  [Invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    令和2年度福島県教育委員会「地域と共に創る放射線・防災教育推進事業」放射線教育実践協力校, 本宮市立白岩小学校、授業公開, 15:00-16:00.(オンライン講演)  2020/10  Public discourse
  • Curriculum Management for the School Safety  [Invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    令和2年度 福島県学校安全指導者養成研修会, いわき地区, いわき合同庁舎, <<第1部>>10:00-11:05 <<第二部>>13:20-14:25(参加者125名) ※コロナウィルスのため2部にわけて実施  2020/10  Public discourse
  • Curriculum Management for the School Safety  [Invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    令和2年度 福島県学校安全指導者養成研修会, 会津地区, 湯川村体育館, <<第1部>>10:00-11:05 <<第二部>>13:20-14:25(参加者100名) ※コロナウィルスのため2部にわけて実施  2020/10  Public discourse
  • What Buson Caught in the Canola?: A Practical Trial of STEAM Education in East -Asia  [Not invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    日本科学教育学会第44回年会(姫路大会, オンライン開催)2020.8.25-27.G064.  2020/08  Oral presentation  姫路  日本科学教育学会
  • 磁石につけるか近づけるか(2)ーカリキュラム・マネージメントとその実践ー  [Not invited]
    清水裕太; 大辻永; 平松不二夫
    日本理科教育学会第70回全国大会(岡山大会)  Oral presentation  岡山大学
  • 磁石につけるか近づけるか(1)ー学習指導要領の変遷と2020年新教科書の記述ー  [Not invited]
    大辻永; 清水裕太; 平松不二夫
    日本理科教育学会第70回全国大会(岡山大会)  Oral presentation  岡山大学
  • Curriculum Management for the School Safety  [Invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    令和元年度 福島県学校安全指導者養成研修会, 双相地区, 南相馬市原町区福祉会館, 13:00-14:15.(参加者71名)  2019/10  Invited oral presentation
  • Curriculum Management for the Radiation Education  [Invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    福島県教育委員会令和元年度「地域と共に創る放射線・防災教育推進事業」放射線教育実践協力校 福島県本宮市立白岩小学校 授業公開, 15:00-16:00.  2019/10  Invited oral presentation
  • 自然災害の合科的取り扱い: 太陽黒点数の変化と江戸時代の飢饉  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会(静岡大学 9/21-23)課題研究「理科で自然災害をどう取り扱うか(Ⅳ)」(代表:藤岡達也)  2019/09  Oral presentation  日本理科教育学会
  • Integrated Teaching Resource for Learning to Live Sustainably  [Not invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    1st Ocean Park International STEAM Education Conference, Hong Kong  2019/06  Poster presentation
  • 訪日外国人の主体的な避難を促進するためのVideo clip開発  [Not invited]
    大辻永; 関口元基
    日本理科教育学会関東支部大会『関東支部大会予稿集』(宇都宮大学)  2018/12  Oral presentation
  • Experiencing the discourse over a time-lapsed video of a Hungry caterpillar  [Not invited]
    OTSUJI Hisashi
    ASTE International Symposium: "Issues of language in science education: International perspectives", East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE), National DongHwa University, Hualien, Taiwan  2018/11  Nominated symposium 
    One day, one of my undergraduate students showed me a time-lapse video he had taken. It was a two minute long (300 times faster) video of a caterpillar. Generally, the audience of the video was astounded at first. But after a while, broad smiles appeared across their faces and they became fascinated by the caterpillar, especially when they realized that it repeated eating and resting periodically. Then, with the help of a presenter, the audience recognized certain rules in its motion (creating several hypothesis). Though the presenter/facilitator asks only three major questions, discussion enthusiastically proceeds. The audience/students get involved in thinking, talking and listening to their classmate’s ideas while enjoying the inquiry process. These processes are all related to language. Finally, many of the students became eager to keep a caterpillar to experiment on and to observe. While watching this magical video and experiencing the inquiry process of this student-oriented approach in my presentation, participants are also expected to get involved in the inquiry, as well as deepen their consideration of “issues of language in science education.” In addition, to enhance students’ thinking and their inquiry process and ability, the following points are emphasized: (1) the quality of the resources, (2) the questioning and technique of the teacher/facilitator, (3) the sharing of ideas and the self-realization among the students, (4) students reply need not be correct, but should be based on their experiences and what they observed and learned in the past, (5) the hypothesis is strengthened by the students doing the experiment themselves, (6) the adequate methods should also be proposed logically by the students, (7) every time an experimental method is proposed, it is better to discuss them in advance as to what kind of results and conclusions could be obtained for each experiment. (8) the inquiry process should be roughly similar to the scientific method, (9) the teacher’s humorous replies and responses to unify the class while also playing the devil’s advocate will enhance thinking, (10) to make students feel as if they have obtained/created new knowledge through their own discussions and activities, and finally (11) the process and experience to have created new knowledge with their classmates is important for their educational growth. Finally, I will briefly overview the history of the object teaching and the student-oriented methodology from Pestalozzi via the Oswego movement to Japan.
  • 科学教育における3.11後の放射線教育  [Not invited]
    大辻 永
    日本科学教育学会年会(信州大学)  2018/08  Oral presentation
  • Examining student- and school-level factors affecting 4th graders’ science achievement: Two-level multilevel path analyses of TIMSS 2015 in five Asian regions  [Not invited]
    Winnie Wing Mui So; Yu Chen; Kam Ming Lim; Kong-ju Mun; Young-shin Park; Chorng-Jee Guo; David Sorrell; Hisashi Otsuji
    2018 WERA World Congress: Cape Town, Aug 3-5, 2018. (World Education Research Association)  2018/08  Oral presentation
  • How and what a Japanese Science Educator discovered about the relationship between Science Education and Buddhism in Japan  [Not invited]
    OTSUJI Hisashi
    First International Conference of the Transformative Education Research and Sustainable Development, Nepal., 36-37. TERSE2016Nepal  2016/10  Oral presentation 
    How and What a Japanese Science Educator Discovered About the Relationship Between Science Education and Buddhism in Japan Hisashi Otsuji One day, a colleague of mine, whose major is philosophy, said to me: "a teacher is akin to a Bodhisattva." That critical moment was the start of my ongoing study of Buddhism; a study that has focused on my lived experiences since childhood and has given me a 'meta point of view' for interpreting educational phenomena in a way that is somewhat different from most science educators in Japan. In this paper, I will discuss some of the outcomes of my study into how, in Japan, Japanized-Buddhism and science education are related both directly and indirectly. My study has been shaped by historical and auto/ethnographical research approaches. It is said that the "two cultures" of Buddhism and science (i.e., Western Modern Science: WMS) have been generally thought to be contrasting fields that are incompatible with each other. Certainly, both worldviews are distinctly different. Buddhism professes relationism, which tells us that the phenomenal world is a momentary appearance of all related things that are in a constant state of transition. By contrast, WMS is based on reductionism, which focuses on independently existing elements prior to their relationships. How do Japanese students learn those different ways of thinking? When I observed a school science class in my country, I noticed that these two worldviews were taking place in parallel. On the one hand, students receive uncritically WMS and its worldview as part of their living world, while simultaneously they collaterally preserve their indigenous ways of thinking. However, there is also a similarity between these worldviews. Historically, Buddhism has transformed itself on the basis of the principles of rationalism and equality. For example, a person who belonged to the Kshatriya group began confessing that he had become awakened, although such an experience traditionally had been monopolized by the Brahmin. This is the founding of Buddhism, which opened this so-called privilege to other caste groups. The emergence of Mahayana Buddhism is also regarded as a similar transformation in Buddhism. Such fundamental characteristics are similar to WMS, which is open to every person and is full of rational rules. When a disciple asked on what to depend after losing his master, his master, approaching nirvana, replied "In the future, you make yourself your light and depend upon your own self. You must not depend upon other people. You should also make the Dharma your light and depend upon them." This statement reminds me of a parallel saying by a talented elementary science teacher in Japan who taught prospective teachers: "Experiment gives students the answer. Answer is not given from the school textbooks nor from teachers." In Mahayana Buddhism, which holds the precept that the perfect "benefitting self" can be accomplished only through "benefitting others", the concept of Bodhisattva is important. Before Mahayana appeared, the term Bodhisattva conveyed the meaning of "the founder in his training," but in Mahayana it came to mean a person who seeks to save all other living beings as well as achieving his/her own awakening. Also the ideal of selflessness came to be a focus of Mahayana. From my point of view, the ideal image of teacher is quite similar to the image of Bodhisattva, and is widely shared in Japan. Since my auto/ethnographic inquiry started I, a grandson of a Japanese Buddhism priest, have gradually noticed the presence of nonexplicit factors in Japanized-Buddhism and in science education. I have come to recognize the importance of having such a 'meta-point of view' in mind for contemplating the Self. In my experience, auto/ethnography enables science teachers to transform the Self and their own teaching, and to help sustain students' cultural identities. Keywords: Buddhism; student-oriented; selflessness; auto/ethnography; reflection
  • When the Land is Covered by the Inconvenient, in the Symposium of "Education for Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan", 28O5K-2  [Not invited]
    OTSUJI Hisashi
    EASE 2016 Tokyo, Tokyo University of Science  2016/08  Nominated symposium 
    Asia is the region where natural disasters have occurred so frequently, and people have been associated with such unwelcome natural environments. The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (Mw: 9.0, Dead: 15,889, Missing: 2,601) caused the nuclear power plant accident and, as a result, the land was contaminated with radioactive falls in a wide area. Looking back the Japanese history, we have overcome such difficult conditions that the land was covered by the inconvenient substances. Our team is developing an educational material that enables learners to notice the relationship between human beings and nature, and the characteristics of the radioactive, focusing on a few of the following historical events. (1) In 1707, when Mt. Fuji erupted, the Tokyo area (about 100 km east of the mountain) was covered with about 5 [cm] volcanic ash. And the closer villagers, who had lost their agricultural land, turned over the under tillage soil and the covering ash, using only the farm equipment (“Tenchi- gaeshi”). (2) From the 1910s to 1970s, Toyama plain, which is famous as the rice granary, was exposed to cadmium contamination. The chemical was released into rivers by mining companies in the mountains and caused the “Itai-itai disease.” This time, using the machinery, people buried contaminated soil deep enough, laid thick soil on them and put the gravel layer between them, to prevent the rice roots from reaching to the lower soil. (3) After the nuclear power plant accident, the wide-area was contaminated with radioactive falls in Fukushima. However, we have nothing to handle them except leaving in a container bag. After comparing the cases above, the learners discuss how people have overcome the disastrous situation and may notice the particularity of radioactive substances.
  • Seeding for Future Radiation Learning: The Two Magical Compost-containers in Elementary Mathematics  [Not invited]
    KASE2015, Pusan National University, Korea  2015  Poster presentation
  • Exploring Science Communication about Nuclear Radiation and its Implication in Science Education: the Cases of Korea and Japan  [Not invited]
    KESS Biannual Conference (Chuncheon National University of Education  2015
  • 将来の放射線学習への布石:小学校算数4年「折れ線グラフ」で扱う2つのコンポスト  [Not invited]
    日本科学教育学会北関東支部大会  2015  Poster presentation
  • 07A01 小・中学校における気象災害に関する防災教育の現状  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第65回全国大会  2015  Poster presentation
  • Seeding for Future Radiation Learning: The Two Magical Compost-containers in Elementary Mathematics  [Not invited]
    2015  Poster presentation
  • Exploring Science Communication about Nuclear Radiation and its Implication in Science Education: the Cases of Korea and Japan  [Not invited]
    KESS Biannual Conference (Chuncheon National University of Education  2015
  • Otsuji, H; Toda, M; Nobeoka, A; Taylor, P.C
    3rd International Conference of STEM in Education  2014/07  Oral presentation  Vancouver 
    Recent tragic natural disasters such as the Indian Ocean earthquake (Dec. 26th, 2004) or the Great East Japan Earthquake (Mar. 11th, 2011) made us recognize that all human beings are allowed to live on the earth under the unattainable power of the nature . Especially in terms of the education for the sustainability, the nuclear power plant accident at Fukushima threatened our sustainability of current life style. Not much focus on the education of the radiation literacy and energy resource had been paid before the accident, and existing programs were mainly provided to enhance the understanding of scientific concepts, without paying much attention to the literacy and decision -making ability . In the effort of overcoming the tragedy, new orientation of such curriculum is expected to be developed. This study (1) proposes a spiral curriculum , related to radiation literacy, through which learner can get enough basis of understanding and can sharpen their inquiry ability, which leads to decision making as citizen in democratic society, and (2) reports the effect of the curriculum , after conducting a few lessons situated in the curriculum. For elementary level, we proposed inquiry activities of spectrum of sun light using prism and of invisible light (Ultraviolet) using black light and UV beads in grade 3 . For junior secondary level, we conducted the self -measurement of “invisible environment” such as carbon dioxide and radiation dose. Students recognized by themselves that their school is safe, and complained that they have been left behind without giving proper information or teaching after the tragedy.
  • 小学校3年生「光の性質」で分光と紫外線を扱った授業実践報告:放射線教育を包含した現代的科学リテラシー育成のためのカリキュラム開発  [Not invited]
    日本科学教育学会研究会  2014  Poster presentation
  • 放射線リテラシーを含む現代的科学リテラシーを育成するカリキュラム開発  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第64回全国大会シンポジウム  2014  Poster presentation
  • 3G2-L4 初等中等教育における現代的科学リテラシーの育成を目指した放射線教育カリキュラムの開発-先行研究と科学館での実践-,  [Not invited]
    日本科学教育学会第38回年会(埼玉大学教育学部)  2014  Poster presentation
  • Radiation Education for developing modern Scientific Literacy: Measuring invisible environment by the-Self  [Not invited]
    戸田雅彦; 大辻永
    日本科学教育学会第37回年会  2013/09  Oral presentation  日本科学教育学会
  • 大辻永
    日本科学教育学会第37回年会  2013/09  Oral presentation
  • Let's talk on and evaluate over a short lesson "Wondrous Forest"  [Not invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    63rd KASE (Korean Association for Science Education) winter  2013/02  Public symposium  Korean Association for Science Education
    Whatever we do to enhance or reform science education to move in new directions, such as Sustainability or STE(A)M, the most important stakeholders are the teachers who face students every day. I teach science teaching methodology at a college of education in a local university, and I usually introduce and disclose some traditional PCK through my mini-lessons and discuss or evaluate it with participants. Attending this workshop, participants will gain some new ideas about PCK, but they will also come to realize how much science teaching is influenced by invisible cultural codes. Following a 5-minute introduction, participants are expected, with eagerness for inquiry, to act as higher elementary or lower secondary students in a 40 minutes mini-lesson, “Wondrous Forest”. The remainder of the workshop will be open to further discussion and evaluation along the conference theme: "The Evaluation of Science Teachers' Professionalism." The mini-lesson will be about the food chain, ecosystem and sustainability. Learners will gain the knowledge that “Salmon grows forest.” However, they will also face another mystery to be solved. The workshop will be full of opportunities to activate participants’ previous knowledge or experiences and to enhance their reasoning ability, so that not only science education researchers and teachers but also young teacher candidates will benefit from attending this workshop.
  • インターネット森林観察サイトの運用と教育利用  [Not invited]
    第2回サイバーフォレストシンポジウム、第2部:こども環境学科研についてのパネルディスカッション  2013  Poster presentation
  • インターネット森林観察ウェブサイトの構築  [Not invited]
    第124回日本森林学会大会  2013  Poster presentation
  • 簡易環境放射線測定器を用いて児童・生徒・教師・市民らが自ら計測活動を行う放射線・環境リテラシー育成プログラムの開発と実施  [Not invited]
    茨城大学 復興支援調査・研究プロジェクト成果報告会  2013  Poster presentation
  • STS的問題意識の醸成に関する研究  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第52回関東支部大会  2013  Poster presentation
  • 理科と理科教師の人間化:科学教育授業実践にみる日本仏教の影響  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第52回関東支部大会  2013  Poster presentation
  • Re-Examining Japanese Science Education, From a Mahayana Buddhism and Bushido Point of Views  [Not invited]
    Hisashi Otsuji; Peter C. Taylor; Elisabeth Taylor
    Seventh International Conference on Science, Mathematics & Technology Education  2012/11  Oral presentation  Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman 
    Recently science education researchers have come under the influence of multi-paradigmatic research which has led some to rethink classical theories of research practice. This has shifted the focus from content to research methodology. I, Hisashi Otsuji, was once deeply engaged in positivistic research using concept mapping, but am now one of those influenced by multi-paradigmatic methodologies. I am engaged in an auto/ethnographic doctoral research based on my personal upbringing within a Mahayana Buddhist background in which I investigate contemporary science education issues through my lens as a practitioner of pre-service teacher training. In the research I have explored hybrid Japanese Mahayana Buddhism which has been influenced by Chinese Taoism, Zhuangzi, and the original pre-sectarian Buddhism from India. Furthermore, I have investigated Japanese science education’s multiple theoretical layers including, e.g., exploring the research interests in abroad. In addition, using a survey I have inquired into how the student-centered science classroom tradition has been influenced by Japanese Buddhism. I have reviewed relevant literature to identify hidden Buddhist elements in everyday classroom practice, such as "greeting". I have furthermore drawn comparisons between the Japanese Buddhism concept of the Bodhisattva and the role of a (science) teacher. In this presentation I draw on my research to foreshadow a new direction for Japanese science education, focusing on Mahayana Buddhism and Bushido (the obligation for the military nobility) and arguing that being conscious of the cultural-self and positioning one’s profession culturally can lead to transformation that has the potential to sustain the individual, organization and society.
  • In the Outback of the Broadcasted Negligence at Taro, Iwate, Japan  [Not invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    66th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Earth Science Education  2012  Oral presentation 
    これまでの三陸地震津波で多数の犠牲者を出した岩手県宮古市田老町を、防災教育の観点から取り上げる。X字型の巨大防潮堤(田老万里の長城)によって津波を防御していた田老であったが、東北地方太平洋沖地震による津波で一部(第2防潮堤)が決壊した。これをもって当初「油断」があったと報じられていた。また、その影響を受けた区域の死亡率が他の区域に比べて高いことも報道された。ところが、決壊した第2防浪堤は、予算を組み合わせ、かさ上げされて建造されていたことが資料から垣 間見られる。決壊の様子を見ても、中段までが残りそれより上部が消失している。一方、昭和9年からの街の復興では、道幅を広くし「隅切り」を設け、避難しやすいようにしていた。行政の防災訓練・設備もあり、小学校では「津波カルタ」が作られ、通学路のルートに至るまで工夫がなされていた。「防災力」が高かったからこそ、被害が小さく食い止められていたことを指摘する。
  • Hisashi OTSUJI
    66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Earth Science Education  2012  Oral presentation  岩手大学 
    初等理科教員養成の教育法の時間に行っている、科学の文化的背景に配慮した一実践を紹介する。内容は、アリスタルコスからエラトステネスに至る、古代ギリシア人の天体に関する探究を参考にしたものである。科学史や数学と関連させ、科学の本質(Nature of Science)にも部分的に触れ、高校と大学での学びの違い、洋の東西における自然現象解釈の差にも注目させる。対象は教育学部2年次生2クラス合計230 人で、事前事後のテストはQDA ソフトNVivo9 によって解析した。その結果、短期間の変容ではあるが、被験者の科学観は精緻化されるなどの変容が見られた。
  • ESDカレンダー作成研修支援のためのデータの試作  [Not invited]
    日本環境共生学会第15回学術大会  2012  Poster presentation
  • 「見えない環境」を実際に測定する活動を通し環境感受性を育む試み  [Not invited]
    第1回あつまる,まじわる,つながる-地域のサステナ活動をつなぐポスター発表ワークショップ  2012
  • 金山掘りのサステナビリティー:信玄堤、水戸三大江堰、三年寝太郎  [Not invited]
    第1回あつまる,まじわる,つながる-地域のサステナ活動をつなぐポスター発表ワークショップ  2012
  • What lead to the Eratosthenes?:A Modified Instruction Focusing on the Cultural Aspect of Exploring Natural Phenomena  [Not invited]
    66th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Earth Science Education  2012  Poster presentation
  • Re-Examining Japanese Science Education, From a Mahayana Buddhism and Bushido Poiint of Views  [Not invited]
    Seventh International Conference on Science, Mathematics & Technology Education  2012  Poster presentation
  • Approaching Cultural Background in Science Instruction: An Example of Japan Influenced by Mahayana Buddhism (O4-F1, 169-170)  [Not invited]
    Yuta TASAKI; Hisashi OTSUJI
    EASE Interntional Conference 2011 (25-29 Oct)  2011/10  Oral presentation  Chosun University, Gwangju 
    This study is related to the new field of "Cultural Studies of Science Education (CSSE)." Although, in the school subject of history, culture is defined in terms of the aristocracy, the field of cultural studies of science education conceives culture as being created among the large majority of citizens, which the pioneer of Japanese folklore Kunio Yanagita (1875 - 1962) named "Joumin (常民)." Based on this folkloric cultural perspective, the view of social structure and spiritual structure, such as a sense of community or a system of motivation, emerged as an important issue along with the view of nature and indigenous science. A survey which focuses on "the view of nature", "indigenous science" and "education" revealed that the influence of (Mahayana) Buddhism is common to these concepts. In terms of practical aspect, teachers at the attached elementary school of Tsukuba University (yuan Tokyo Higher Normal University), which is a leader in science education in Japan, were found to hold Buddhist thoughts, as seen in the result of previous folklore survey. Surprisingly, they had been teaching science as a cultural phenomenon over the last 30 years. Thus, it is suggested that, in promoting cultural studies of science education in Japan, "social structure", "spiritual structure" the potential influence of Buddhism be considered.
  • 科学教育実践に見られる民俗学的特徴-日本の科学教育に与える日本化された仏教思想の影響-(3G1-H2 385)  [Not invited]
    日本科学教育学会第35回年会  2011  Poster presentation
  • ブナの枝葉と映像を用いた小学校理科遠隔授業  [Not invited]
    第121回日本森林学会大会  2010  Poster presentation
  • 「科学的とは必ずしも言い切れない見方・考え方」の研究  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第60回全国大会  2010  Poster presentation
  • 津波災害教育モジュールの作成: 「稲むらの火」から「チリ地震」まで  [Not invited]
    日本地学教育学会第64回全国大会  2010  Poster presentation
  • Undercurrents of Buddhism in Contemporary Practices of Science Education in Japan 1: Auto/Ethnography as Method  [Not invited]
    2009 International Conference of East-Asian Science Education, Taipei, Taiwan.  2009  Poster presentation
  • Undercurrents of Buddhism in Contemporary Practices of Science Education in Japan 2: Supporting Quantitative approach  [Not invited]
    2009 International Conference of East-Asian Science Education  2009  Poster presentation
  • 二酸化炭素を題材とした学習 : 二酸化炭素濃度測定器の利用を通して(B1-02)  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第48回関東支部大会  2009  Poster presentation
  • Undercurrents of Buddhism in Contemporary Practices of Science Education in Japan 1: Auto/Ethnography as Method  [Not invited]
    2009 International Conference of East-Asian Science Education, Taipei, Taiwan.  2009  Poster presentation
  • Undercurrents of Buddhism in Contemporary Practices of Science Education in Japan 2: Supporting Quantitative approach  [Not invited]
    2009 International Conference of East-Asian Science Education  2009  Poster presentation
  • 大学院におけるサステイナビリティ教育の意義と展開:サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構(IR3S)におけるサステイナビリティ学教育プログラムを例に  [Not invited]
    日本高等教育学会第11回大会  2008  Poster presentation
  • Starting with Time-lapse Photography  [Not invited]
    2008 International Conference on Science Education for the Next Society (2007 ICSENS)  2008  Poster presentation
  • 微速度撮影を利用した理科映像教材の制作  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第47回関東支部大会  2008  Poster presentation
  • Starting with Time-lapse Photography  [Not invited]
    2008 International Conference on Science Education for the Next Society (2007 ICSENS)  2008  Poster presentation
  • 初等理科教育法における教員養成用ビデオを使った質的授業分析-平松実践を見る-  [Not invited]
    日本科学教育学会『研究会研究報告』21(5)pp.19-24.  2007/02  Oral presentation  日本科学教育学会
  • 名人の授業を見て、その名人の授業を受ける―夢の世界を実体験する初等理科教育法―  [Not invited]
    日本理科教育学会第57回全国大会  2007  Poster presentation
  • An Unwitting Basis for Elementary School Science Education in Japan  [Not invited]
    2007 International Conference on Science Education for the Next Society (2007 ICSENS)  2007  Poster presentation
  • Video Analysis Helps Freshmen's Transformation Toward Science Teacher: Hiramatsu's legendary instruction of the electromagnet to Grade 6  [Not invited]
    2007  Poster presentation
  • Taking expert teacher's lesson after analyzing his lesson through video: A trial in pre-service teaching lesson of the method of elementary science education  [Not invited]
    57th Annual SJST Conference  2007  Poster presentation
  • An Unwitting Basis for Elementary School Science Education in Japan  [Not invited]
    2007 International Conference on Science Education for the Next Society (2007 ICSENS)  2007  Poster presentation
  • 大学の研究者情報発信法 -「人、もの、場」の3要素と受け手の理解に配慮した手法のモデル開発-  [Not invited]
    日本高等教育学会 第9回大会  2006
  • Alternative Feature of Kid's Culture related to Science: Discovered by some Concepts in the "Anthropology of Tourism"  [Not invited]
    Hisashi OTSUJI
    日本科学教育学会 第29回年会論文集 (岐阜大学), 3G1-F3, 409-410  2005/09  Oral presentation  日本科学教育学会
  • 高校物理における電磁波教育 : 生物的・社会的側面からのアプローチII  [Not invited]
    福井 勲; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄
    日本理科教育学会第54回全国大会, 日本理科教育学会全国大会要項 (54), 148.  2004  Oral presentation  日本理科教育学会
  • Autobiography as a Research Method of Science Education  [Not invited]
    日本科学教育学会年会論文集, 27(0), 3G6-12, 407-408,  2003  Oral presentation  日本科学教育学会
    「自分史」がブームになって久しい。これを科学教育研究の手法にしてみようというのが, 本研究の趣旨である。今回は, 「自分史」資料を概観する。
  • 高校物理における電磁波教育 : 生物的・社会的側面からのアプローチ  [Not invited]
    福井 勲; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄
    日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 18(2), 1-6, 2003  2003  Oral presentation  茨城大学  日本科学教育学会
  • 那珂川プロジェクト  [Not invited]
    日本生活科・総合的学習教育学会第11回全国大会(茨城大会)  2002  Poster presentation
  • 那珂川流域の民話データベースの構築  [Not invited]
    日本生活科・総合的学習教育学会第11回全国大会(茨城大会)  2002  Poster presentation
  • River Discovery Project at Nakagawa  [Not invited]
    Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for the study of Life Environment Studies and Integrated Study education 2002  2002  Poster presentation
  • Developing Local Folktale Database in the Nakagawa Basin  [Not invited]
    Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for the study of Life Environment Studies and Integrated Study education 2002  2002  Poster presentation
  • Development of STS Education Materials on Ground Disasters Caused by Earthquake, Interational Conference on Science Technology & Society, p.220.  [Not invited]
    Fujioka Tatsuya; Otsuji Hisashi
    Interational Conference on Science Technology & Society  1998/03  Oral presentation  Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kyoto 
    K22-E4, p.220.
  • Significance of Education for Natural Disaster as a STS Education  [Not invited]
    Hisashi Otsuji; Tatsuya Fujioka
    International Conference on Science, Technology & Society  1998/03  Oral presentation  Toyko, Hiroshima, Kyoto 
    K22-E4, p219.
  • Is it Worthy to Use Materials written in Foreign Language in Science Teaching ?  [Not invited]
    大辻永; 赤堀侃司
    日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 8(3), 13-18  1993  Oral presentation  日本科学教育学会


  • 茨城大学教育学部「理数系教員指導力向上研修」事業/中学校理科教員研修の実際(理科教育分野)天文分野の実習/『理科ニュース』734, 少年写真新聞社, 2008.10.8, p.6
  • 子どもの科学技術・理科に対する関心を高める家庭環境の実現のための保護者に対する科学教室等の取組のあり方についての調査研究


  • これからの放射線教育の方向性
    大辻 永  福島県教育委員会(編).『ふくしま 放射線教育・防災教育実践事例集』  44  -44  2019/03  [Invited]
  • OTSUJI Hisashi  EASE Newsletter  11-  (3)  9  -10  2018/09  [Invited]
  • 地域と連携したこれからの学校防災に向けて, 平成29年度東北大学災害科学国際研究所共同研究プロジェクト
    大辻 永  東北大学災害科学国際研究所・福島県教育委員会・滋賀大学大学院教育学研究科,『東日本大震災発生後の教育行政の取組による日本の被災地及び被災懸念地域への防災教育・防災管理の改善と課題』  84  -89  2018/03
  • Identifying a Common Feature as the Relationship between Human-being and the Nature among the Hoei Eruption of Mt. Fuji, the Minamata Disease, the Itai-Itai Disease, and the Nuclear Power Plant Accident.
    Hisashi OTSUJI  日本科学教育学会平成28年度第5回研究会 研究会報告  31-  (5)  5  -8  2017/03
  • 自分探しとInterlocalな国際化のために, 特集:学びが広がる地域教材
    大辻 永  日本理科教育学会『理科の教育』No.774  66-  (1)  16  -19  2017/01
  • SHIBA Toshihiro; OTSUJI Hisashi  日本理科教育学会関東支部大会研究発表要旨集  (54)  34  -34  2015
  • KATAGUCHI Naoki; ITO Takashi; KAMIKURI Shin-ichi; OTSUJI Hisashi; HASHIURA Hiroshi  日本理科教育学会関東支部大会研究発表要旨集  (54)  123  -123  2015
  • TODA Masahiko; OTSUJI Hisashi  年会論文集  38-  521  -522  2014/09
  • 参加してよかったと思える教員研修:理論と実践を逆転させる試み
    大辻永; 五島浩一  理科の教育  63-  (5)  46  -49  2014
  • TODA Masahiko; OTSUJI Hisashi  年会論文集  37-  306  -307  2013/09
  • 大辻 永  日本理科教育学会関東支部大会研究発表要旨集  (52)  21  -21  2013
  • Introduction to the Tohoku Earthquake and Followed Disasters,
    Hisashi OTSUJI  EASE Newsletter  5-  (1)  6  2012
  • Introduction to the Tohoku Earthquake and Followed Disasters,
    Hisashi OTSUJI  EASE Newsletter  5-  (1)  6  2012
  • 全一的日本精神の一つの相
    大辻永  大日本図書編『中学校教育フォーラム』「コラム:科学のひろば」  2011冬号 22-23  2011/01
  • 道として行として
    大辻永  大日本図書編『中学校教育フォーラム』「コラム:科学のひろば」  2010秋号 22-23  2010/09
  • 前提を疑い自らの存在する意味を問う
    大辻永  大日本図書編『中学校教育フォーラム』「コラム:科学のひろば」  2010春号 22-23  -23  2010/04
  • 子どもにとっての系統性
    大辻永  楽しい理科授業  41-  (1)  7  2009
  • Autobiography as a Science Education Research Method in Postmodern Era
    Hisashi OTSUJI  Science Education Monthly  57-  (10)  40  -43  2008
  • Hamaguchi Goryo as a model of 'Inamura no hi (The FIre of Rice Sheaves)' and beyond
    Hisashi OTSUJI  International Symposium of Sustainability Science: Dialogue between Social and Natural Sciences  27  2007
  • Hamaguchi Goryo as a model of 'Inamura no hi (The FIre of Rice Sheaves)' and beyond
    Hisashi OTSUJI  International Symposium of Sustainability Science: Dialogue between Social and Natural Sciences  27  2007
  • 山崎 誠; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄  茨城大学教育学部紀要 教育科学  (55)  23  -38  2006/03
  • What "HEIDI" Says: Auto-biography Reveals How an Animation Inscribes a Cultural View of Nature
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Katsuyuki NAMBA; Peter C. TAYLOR  Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) 37th Conference  39  2006
  • Fostering a Basis for the Culture of Science in Children
    Hisashi OTSUJI  XII IOSTE Symposium, USM, Penang, Malaysia Andaman Grand Ballroom, Park Royal Beach Resort, Abstract: #11, p.7, Proceedings pp.69-73.  69  -73  2006
    Hisashi OTSUJI  5th International Geoscience Education Conference (GeoSciEd V), International Geoscience Education Organization  48-  109  2006
  • What "HEIDI" Says: Auto-biography Reveals How an Animation Inscribes a Cultural View of Nature
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Katsuyuki NAMBA; Peter C. TAYLOR  Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) 37th Conference  39  2006
  • Fostering a Basis for the Culture of Science in Children
    Hisashi OTSUJI  XII IOSTE Symposium, USM, Penang, Malaysia Andaman Grand Ballroom, Park Royal Beach Resort, Abstract: #11, p.7, Proceedings pp.69-73.  69  -73  2006
    Hisashi OTSUJI  5th International Geoscience Education Conference (GeoSciEd V), International Geoscience Education Organization  48-  109  2006
  • OTSUJI Hisashi  年会論文集;日本科学教育学会  29-  409  -410  2005/08
  • Mapping New Trends of Japanese Science Education onto the frame of "Science of the people, by the people, for the people"
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Yoshimi TSUCHIYA; Yusaku SEKI  KARSE 2005 Winter English Session  E6  2005
  • Kid’s Culture related to Science:The Effects of Capsule Science Toy on Gr.3, 6 and 9
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Yoshimi TSUCHIYA; Yusaku SEKI  ASERA 2005  2005
  • Mapping New Trends of Japanese Science Education onto the frame of "Science of the people, by the people, for the people"
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Yoshimi TSUCHIYA; Yusaku SEKI  KARSE 2005 Winter English Session  E6  2005
  • Kid’s Culture related to Science:The Effects of Capsule Science Toy on Gr.3, 6 and 9
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Yoshimi TSUCHIYA; Yusaku SEKI  ASERA 2005  2005
  • OTSUJI Hisashi  理科の教育 = Science education monthly  53-  (6)  364  -367  2004/06
  • 藤田 忠弘; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄  茨城大学教育学部紀要 教育科学  (53)  13  -26  2004/03
  • 豊田 雅之; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄  茨城大学教育学部紀要 教育科学  (53)  1  -12  2004/03
  • 山崎 誠; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄  日本理科教育学会全国大会要項  (54)  233  -233  2004
  • 福井 勲; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄  日本理科教育学会全国大会要項  (54)  148  -148  2004
  • Children sans Frontiers: micro culture and macro culture
    Hisashi OTSUJI  CSSE Meeting in Kobe, Kobe University  2004
  • Approaching the Authenticity of Science and Science Education: Using concepts in the Anthropology of Tourism
    Hisashi OTSUJI  Culture Studies in Science Education, Hawaii Meeting 2004 (The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Schools: Science and Mathematics in Pacific Island and Pacific Rim Nations) University of Hawaii at Manoa  2004
  • Children sans Frontiers: micro culture and macro culture
    Hisashi OTSUJI  CSSE Meeting in Kobe, Kobe University  2004
  • Approaching the Authenticity of Science and Science Education: Using concepts in the Anthropology of Tourism
    Hisashi OTSUJI  Culture Studies in Science Education, Hawaii Meeting 2004 (The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Schools: Science and Mathematics in Pacific Island and Pacific Rim Nations) University of Hawaii at Manoa  2004
  • 豊田 雅之; 大辻 永; 利安 義雄  茨城大学教育実践研究  (22)  93  -104  2003/10
  • 茨城大学新入生の実態に関する調査研究(資料)
    大辻永; 尾崎久記; 鈴木敦; 竹野英敏; 戸塚茂則; 皆川善廣; 茨城大学地域貢献特別支援事業; 高大連携プロジェクト  茨城大学大学教育センター年報2003  2003
  • OTSUJI Hisashi  年会論文集  26-  63  -64  2002/09
  • Confirming the idea "boys and girls learn differently"
    Hisashi Otsuji  Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) 33th Conference  34  2002
  • Confirming the idea "boys and girls learn differently"
    Hisashi Otsuji  Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) 33th Conference  34  2002
  • 自然災害教育カリキュラムとしての日常的土木建造物
    大辻永  土木学会誌  86-  (9)  55  -57  2001/09  [Invited]
  • OTSUJI hisashi / OSHIMA hirohisa  茨城大学教育実践研究  20-  (20)  139  -146  2001
  • 「同化」と「排除」の問題をどう考えるか
    小川正賢監訳『新しい理科教授学習論』東洋館出版社D.Hodson,1998,9章  128  -141  2000/05
  • in Teaching And Learning Science
    D.Hodson  小川正賢監訳『新しい理科教授学習論』東洋館出版社 D.Hodson,1998,8章  110  -127  2000/05
  • Hisashi OTSUJI  楽しい理科授業  (403)  6  -6  2000/03  [Invited]
  • 流域を舞台にしたコミュニケーションの促進-那珂川プロジェクトの立案・実施・評価まで-(共著)
    平成9-11年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書基盤研究(A)「地域」の教育力を生かす総合的学習-河川流域の自然・風土・文化の野外博物館化-(研究代表:小川正賢、課題番号09308006)  26  -68  2000
  • Natural Disasters in Japan from the viewpoint of STS (Science-Technology-Society) Education(共著)
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Tatsuya FUJIOKA  3rd International Conference of Geoscience Education, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia  27  -29  2000  [Refereed]
  • 自然災害と環境教育
    大辻永  日本環境教育学会第10回大会(東京学芸大学)  245  1999
  • STS的視点を導入した自然災害教育カリキュラムの構築に関する研究
    大辻永  平成9-10年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書奨励研究(A)  1999
  • 自然災害の学習とニュー授業法の開発
    大辻永  楽しい理科授業  389-  41  -43  1999/01
  • How should We Face to the Environmental Ethics?
    大辻永  理科の教育  47-  (8)  8  -11  1998/08
  • 総合的な学習としての自然災害教育-「自立への応用」のための自然災害教育
    大辻永  日本理科教育学会第48回全国大会(長崎大学)  238  1998
  • 概念構造図という道具を越えて
    大辻永  『理科授業で使う思考と表現の道具』明治図書  149  -150  1998
  • 現代社会の自然災害と環境教育(共著)
    日本環境教育学会第9回大会(大阪教育大学)  188  -188  1998
  • Development of STS Education Materials on Ground Disasters Caused by Earthquake
    Fujioka Tatsuya; Otsuji Hisashi  Interational Conference on Science Technology & Society  220  1998  [Refereed]
  • Significance of Education for Natural Disaster as a STS Education(共著)
    International Conference on Science Technology & Society  219  1998
  • Analyzing Discourse in Negotiation Process
    Hisashi OTSUJI  The 22nd Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  135  -136  1998
  • 大辻永  科学技術時代への処方箋  106  -125  1997/10
  • OTSUJI Hisashi; HARUYAMA Takako; OGAWA Masakata  Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  20-  237  -238  1996
  • OTSUJI Hisashi  The 20th Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  20-  21  -22  1996
  • NHKラジオ「'94夏休みこども科学電話相談」実態調査
    平成6年度科学技術振興調査費報告書「科学技術振興のための青少年の育成方策に関する調査」  79  -88  1995
  • 因数分解における問題解決過程の分析(共著)
    日本教育工学会研究報告集JET95-2  1  -6  1995
  • OTSUJI Hisashi  The 19th Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  19-  247  -248  1995
  • The Process of Concept mapping by Protocol Analysis
    大辻永; 赤堀侃司  The 18th Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  157  -158  1994
  • The Protocol Analysis reveals the Feature of the Process of Concept mapping
    大辻永; 赤堀侃司  Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Educational technology  89  -90  1994
  • The Timetables of Science
    Alexander Hellemans; Bryan Bunch  Alexander Hellemans;Bryan Bunch  1993/03
  • Concept mapのリンクの意味分析と学習者の推論について-単元「プレートテクトニクスに向かって」から-
    大辻永; 赤堀侃司  日本理科教育学会第43回全国大会(福岡教育大学)  212  -212  1993
  • OTSUJI Hisashi; AKAHORI Kanji  JSSE Research Report  8-  (3)  13  -18  1993
  • 研究開発マネジメント・データベースの構築及びツールの評価システムに関する基礎的研究〜知の構造化によるアプローチ〜(共著)
    平成4年度科学技術振興調整費報告書「知的生産活動における創造性支援に関する基礎的研究」  261  -273  1993
  • 天体としての地球(分担訳)
    大辻永  子ども達の自然理解と理科授業.(東洋館出版社)  210  -235  1993
  • Comparison of cognitive structure between students' and teacher's.
    Hisashi OTSUJI; Kanji AKAHORI  The 17th Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  133  -134  1993
  • 総合理科、生物IA及びSTS教育の受け入れに関する理科教師対象の調査研究
    鶴岡義彦; 大辻永  『科学-技術-社会の相互関連(STS)を重視した中等生物教育及び教師教育用モジュールの開発』平成2-3年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書, 総合研究(A), 課題番号:02301107(175p)  42  -53  1992/03
  • MATSUBARA Katsushi; OTSUJI Hisashi  JSSE Research Report  6-  (5)  27  -28  1992
  • OTSUJI Hisashi; MATSUBARA Katsushi  JSSE Research Report  6-  (5)  29  -34  1992
  • Changes of Scientific Concept through Instruction of STS Education
    Otsuji Hisashi; Akahori Kanji  International Symposium for the Public Understanding on Science and Technology, and Science and Mathematics Education of Youth  1992  [Refereed]
  • Scientific Concept Changes by Instruction of STS Education
    大辻永; 赤堀侃司  The 16th Conference on Japan Society for Science Education  149  -150  1992
  • OTSUJI Hisashi; MATSUBARA Katsushi  JSSE Research Report  6-  (5)  29  -34  1992
  • 大辻永; 中村真由美; 鶴岡義彦  日本理科教育学会第40回全国大会(島根大学)  67  -67  1990

Awards & Honors

  • 2011 Appreciation for the work as the first Chief Editor of the EASE Newsletter 2008-2011
  • 1995 Japan Society for Educational Techology For Young Researcher
    受賞者: OTSUJI Hisashi
  • 1994 Japan Society for Science Education For Young Researcher
    受賞者: OTSUJI Hisashi

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 藤岡 達也; 大辻 永; 川真田 早苗; 山口 克彦; 五十嵐 素子; 村田 守; 榊原 保志; 佐藤 健
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 藤岡 達也; 桜井 愛子; 大辻 永; 川真田 早苗; 五十嵐 素子; 村田 守; 榊原 保志; 佐藤 健
    東日本大震災発生後の防災・減災,復興教育について,被災地を中心に,その後の現地調査等を行い,地震動・津波・原子力事故等の災害の種類や対応に関する各地域の特性を明確にするとともに,カリキュラムマネジメントなど教育活動の構築や展開を探った。具体的には宮城県では,石巻市,仙台市の学校,教育委員会,福島県においては7つの地区ごとに教育委員会,教育現場と連携したアクションリサーチを行うとともに,これまでの成果からそれを基にした授業実践や教員研修等を実施,受講者等の評価を検討した。 国外ではアジアを中心とした現地調査により,自然災害とそれに対する防災教育等について日本の同質性と差異を探った。特に台湾にでは,地震への学校防災の対応の類似性も見られた。しかし,同じアジアでも自然災害に対する中等教育レベルの科学的リテラシーの育成には,日本・台湾の類似性と韓国との違いが明確になった。 また,平成30年度には国内各地で予期せぬ新たな自然災害が発生し,それに関する防災教育の課題も生じ,それらの情報収集と整理を行った。例えば,大阪府北部を震源とした地震,特別警報が結果的に11府県に発表され,後に西日本豪雨と呼ばれる原因となった河川氾濫や土砂災害,台風21号,さらには北海道胆振東部地震等に対する学校防災の在り方である。ここでは,過去の類似した教訓が活かされていなかったこと 国内でも一地域の災害を他地域への教訓とすることの難しさも明確になった。改めて防災・減災教育及びその啓発のための教育開発やシステム構築の必要性が明確になった。滋賀県で発生した竜巻とみられる突風による被害が生じたり,全国的な猛暑のため,熱中症の被害が拡大するなど,新たなグローカルな災害についての対応の必要性も明らかにした。これらを踏まえて文科省「生きる力をはぐくむ学校での安全教育」の災害安全の実践事例として統括することが可能であった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Recent years, natural disasters have been problems in many countries, and education for disaster risk reduction also become indispensable. Such as UN world conference for disaster risk reduction held in Japan 3 times, the contribution is expected for our country. After Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, we focused on the education for domestic and abroad disaster risk reduction which are after the great earthquake and Tsunami in East Japan and made the state of the educational contribution to foreign countries clear from Japan by this research. Through practicing it became clear that the endurance connected with HFA (Hyogo behavior framework) of after 2005 is education contents in detail and a way of education for possible development (ESD) in particular for a natural disaster. The educational necessity which are glocal to universalism to an international society was indicated from the particularity of the area including SDGs at the same time.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Ito Takashi
    Mt. Fuji as a field, we created a multifaceted practical learning program consisting of earth science, art, and literature. In FY2004 and 2008, we attempted to practice the program in "Fieldwork on Geology". To ascertain the bidirectional educational effects between earth sciences and art, students were asked: 1) to express an image of Mt. Fuji, and 2) to appreciate paintings of Mt. Fuji and express the information they garnered from the paintings, before and after the fieldwork. These two exercises are considered as providing insights into how the students' understanding had changed. In addition, reports and impressions submitted by the students were used as materials for putting the classes together. Results show that a large number of positive effects are obtained corresponding to the time and energy spent making sketches. It has also been suggested that the experience of onsite observations provides a various novel and concrete viewpoints for the appreciation of paintings.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Saito Kaoru; Okuyama Kenichi
    We added new two forest observation sites, as Maeyama (Furano City, Hokkaido) and Funakoshi-Oshima (Yamada Town, Iwate), installed a live monitoring systems connected to Internet. Both of these are wildlife nature where it is difficult to go and observe the field. Using 8 sites including these, 2 years a natural environment learning lesson of the Ryuoh Elementary School (Kai, Yamanashi), named "observed from the forest" , including local real experience at the University of Tokyo Fuji Iyashinomori forest site have done. As a result, the school children found the difference in time and season with the remote forest based on the field observation experience, and discovered the natural ecology such as new animal behavior through observation of the site. Remote Hyotanjima monitoring site (Otsuchi, Iwate) observation by them developed into an exchange class with the remote Otsuchi Gakuen, and conducted an experimental study of the use for examination learning lesson conscious of others.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Nakajo Mitsuru; OTUJI Hisashi; KAWASAKI Ken; KUSUNOSE Hiroaki; SAITO Tatsuo
    This study aims at developing a method of making primary science teachers realize the distinction between universality and particularity in their speaking terms in science classes. The method will lead students to that distinction. The distinction establishes a basis of the scientific thinking because scientific laws take the form of universal proposition. The present questionnaire survey tells that more than 80% of 42 responding teachers are not strictly in the distinction. In order to improve teachers’ understanding about the distinction, they need to consider its role in the scientific thinking. Their consideration will support students in their attempt to abstract a conclusion from individual experiments or observations made by themselves.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Hiroshi Isero; GOTO Kenichi; FUKUMOTO Toru; IRIBE Akiko; Okuizumi Kaori; SATO Yukie; OSAWA Katsumi; IDA Yoshiyasu; TODA Yoshiharu; IIJIMA Yasuyuki; NISHIMURA Keiichi; NINOMIYA Hiroyuki; YAMASHITA Shuichi; OOTSUJI Hisashi; MATSUBARA Kenji; MAJIMA Kiyoko; YAMADA Yoshiaki; SATO Kenji; TAKAGI Sachiko; ANDO Akinobu; MATSUMOTO Kakunosuke; UEDA Seiji; ARAI Ikuo; NAGASAKI Eizo; HATOGAI Taro; KAWAI Hisashi; SAITO Tadahiko; FUJII Koki; TAKII Akira; AOKI Keiko; NISHIDA Mitsuaki; FUJIMURA Kazuo; HOSONO Jiro; MORI Satoshi; SUGIURA Yuki; MORISHITA Koji; IKEDA Katsumi; KANEKO Sumio; IKEDA Kazumasa; FUJIKAWA Hiroshi; KOMATSU Tsuyoshi; AOKI Satoshi; SATO Takashi; SONODA Yosuke; HIDAKA Harumichi; KURASAWA Naoki; ASO Masahiro
    This investigative study of digital textbooks encompasses empirical research based on visits to progressive schools in Japan and interviews of the people there, a questionnaire survey of Japanese textbook publishers, and interviews with people at administrative institutions and progressive schools in other countries. For all 10 subject areas in Japanese elementary and junior high schools, information was collected on the following topics,special measures taken or points requiring special attention; the educational effectiveness of digital textbooks; the fields in which digital textbooks proved most useful; the issues and areas requiring improvement; and the effect of digital textbooks on the use of paper-based textbooks. Finally, summaries were compiled on the future prospects for digital textbooks for both educators and learners, and the problems of copyright, taking into consideration the findings of a committee charged with reviewing digital textbooks and their place.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Fujioka Tatsuya; ITO Takashi; OTSUJI Hisashi; OKADA Shigeyuki; SATO Takeshi; SAKAKIBARA Yasushi; IMADA Koichi; NEMOTO Hiroo; YAMAGUCHI Katsuhiko
    The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, reminded us of the harsh realities of the natural environment in the Japanese Archipelago. The Pacific Ocean coastline of the Tohoku region has been frequently hit in recent years by large Tsunami that have repeatedly resulted in serious damage. The main difference between the 2011 GEJET, and the previous tsunamis that hit the region is the accident that occurred at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. The significance of what can be learned from the duality of the natural world, which provides the blessings of the natural environment as well as terrible natural disasters, is something that education should engage with and something that Japan can communicate to the international community. If disaster prevention education is ignored, a sustainable society cannot be built. The ESD perspective is that integrated efforts in numerous connected fields are required to achieve the construction of a sustainable society.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    Author : OTSUJI Hisashi; KAWASAKI Ken; OGAWA Masakata; HIRAMATSU Fujio; SAWAGAKI Kyojo; TASAKI Yuta
    This research reveals the influence of Buddhism on the practice of science education in Japan. According to the quantitative survey, the Buddhism influence was identified as four factors (Attitude toward Children, the relation between the self and others, the nature of science, and the worldview), over a wide range of the science education scene, such as experiment and observations, view of nature, and teaching methodology. Searching for the Buddhism thoughts of Kiichi Marumoto, who led the elementary science education in Japan, 1430 transparencies of his lectures, 11 extracted tapes of his teaching, four boxes of the private word bank out of 10 boxes, and more than hundred of lecture notes were examined. As the result, some of the Buddhism thoughts were found such as 'Hai-iku.' On facing the multi-cultural society, the importance of the awareness of own cultural background of teachers was insisted.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : SAITO Kaoru; IWAOKA Masahiro; NAKAYAMA Masaya; OTSUJI Hisashi; FUJIWARA Akio; KOBAYASHI Hiroki; NAKAMURA Kazuhiko; WATANABE Ryuichi
    Six Internet forest observation site Filed real-time monitoring systems , Environment information web site, Archiving system have been developed and are working continuously still now. The operation maintenance was always advanced and the investment technique of the site was developed. The local field system surveyed with the bird researcher was carried out twice in 2012, and teaching-materials developed.Forest on-site learning classes, two junior schools and two high schools was carried out in 2013, and the environment information web site design are completed based on the exchange of opinions of participant observation and a teacher. The research symposium was held 3 times at the end of the 2011-2013 fiscal year, and the official announcement and exchange of opinions about a related researcher and the result of research were performed. We present the system for public at science agora in November 2013, and Sense of forest in March 2014.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : KIMURA Michiko; OTSUJI Hisashi; SATO Yukiko; GUNJI Harumoto
    The purposes of this study are to examine the factors influencing environmentally conscious behavior of university students in Korea and Japan, and to design the games for sustainable lifestyles. In Japan, the factors facilitating environmental behavior of university students are their positive environmental consciousness, consumer education and regional relationships. On the other hand, the only factor facilitating environmental behavior of Korean university students is their parents' environmental behavior. We designed three kinds of games (discussion, card and board) based our examination for environmentally conscious behavior of university students. The changes of environmental conscious behavior and knowledge of university students were confirmed after playing our games, so the gaming was effective for sustainable lifestyles and environmental education.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : ARAKAWA Satoshi; MURANOI Hitoshi; TANAKA Kenji; MURAYAMA Tomoko; WATANABE Reijiro; OTSUJI Hisashi; GUNJI Harumoto; NISHIKAWA Yoko; TAKENO Hidetoshi
    We have categorized the learning units of primary and secondary school in according with the themes of ESD and implemented open classes on the theme of “Soybean", “Rice Growing" and “Salmon and Forest" for primary and secondary school students. These are attempts of the cross learning activities of subjects and fields incluing the various themes about foods, agriculture, self-sufficiet rate of foods, environment and so on.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2011 
    Author : SEKI Yusaku; MURANOI Hitoshi; ITO Takashi; WATANABE Reijiro; MARUYAMA Hiroto; SUGIMOTO Noriko; OTSUJI Hisashi
    This study focused on activities outside classrooms in college education and analyzed students' changes both qualitatively and quantitatively. We found that those activities, especially overseas ones and field study classes, could have effects on students' mental attitude as well as their knowledge and skills. These findings are considered in terms of contents and objectives of courses.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : HASHIURA Hiroshi; HAYAKAWA Tadahiro; MAKINO Yasuhiko; ONO Yoshitaka; NAKAMURA Naomi; ITO Takashi; OTSUJI Hisashi; GUNJI Harumoto; SAKAI Kimi; SEKI Yusaku
    Due to laborsaving of preparation of field observation in class at elementary and junior high school levels, we developed Field observation data sharing system, composed of www : Treasures within our school district and software for mibile terminal: Geopock in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. To develop the system, advanced achievements in overseas were reviewed. In addition, the system was used to carry out some teacher training programs.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2008 
    Author : KAWASAKI Ken; OGAWA Masakata; SUMIDA Manabu; OOTSUJI Hisashi
    本研究は「理科教育改革」の指針として、理科の授業者がメタ言語に習熟することの重要性に光を当て、加えてメタ言語習熟のための戦略を具体的に提示した。この重要性と戦略は、"Any Language Can Be the Medium of Instruction of School Science, But…"と題して今夏SENSE Publisher より出版予定である(5.主な発表論文等〔図書〕の(1))。メタ言語とは言語について語る言葉であり、これは同時に世界観について語る言葉でもある。本研究の成果の中心は、メタ言語能力を教師が獲得することの重要性に光を当て、具体的に能力獲得の手順を示したところにある。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : 大辻 永
    本研究は、「子どもの科学文化」に着目する、研究代表者の一連の研究に位置づく。最終年度である本年度は、以下を実施した。 1.子どもの科学文化というテーマ性についての検討 国内において資料収集と研究打ち合わせを行った他、オーストラリアの研究者と研究交流を重ね、海外(ハワイ)から研究者を招聘し協議した。その結果、カプセル玩具やテレビ・アニメーション、昔話など、子どもの科学文化に関連したユニークな視点を得ることが出来た。 2.実験キットの開発 実験キットを自作する備品を導入し、実験キットの開発・補充を行った。 3.実験キット有効性調査 実験キットを9種、40組準備し、近隣の小学生40名に対して実験キットの設置・貸し出しを行い、その有効性を調査した。参加した子ども達は理科好きな子ども達であり、その多くが家族と実験を行っていた。実験キットを身近な家庭に持ち込むことによって、何度も繰り返し納得のいくまで実験を行うことができた。また、子どもに寄り添って助言を与える存在の重要性が確認された。一般に、測定機器は、様々なものに対して何度も測定する。この種の実験を楽しんだ子どもは、事後アンケートにおける自由記述量も多い。しかし、ある種の測定機器は、使い方に続いて遊び方を示すなどの工夫がないと、子どもの興味が薄れてしまう。このような場合、書き込み式のワークシートなどを添付すると有効であった。 4.研究成果の発表 以上の成果を、第12回IOSTEシンポジウム(マレーシア)、第37回ASERA(オーストラリア)、第5回国際地学教育学会(ドイツ)、サステイナビリティ学国際シンポジウム(米国)等において発表した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : YOSHIYASU Yoshio; OOTUZI Hisasi; YAMAMOTO Katuhiro
    In this research, four pillars were stood. 1. Teaching-materials of traditional dyeing technology. Reproducibility and, simplicity of the "Mito black dyeing" were established, and it practiced in teacher training of, the SPP enterprise. On the other hand, the dyeing method of marine products was developed using the seaweed (Aosa, Kazime etc.). 2. Earthquake related teaching materials of Ibaragi Prefecture. A Niigata-tyuuetu earthquake and many earthquakes,around Ibaragi were observed with the simple horizontal movement earthquakemeter developed. This time we produced the simple up and down movement earthquakemeter which begins measurement when the earthquake occurred. 3 Teaching-materials in connection with the salt of Ibaragi Prefecture. at the Ibaragi seashore district the relation between the place name relevant to the iron pot and the ancient salt manufacture places were investigated. Then the water analysis was carried out about the springwater of Daigo-cho with many character names of salt. Moreover it was discovered the growth condition which sodium chloride crystal was octahedron shapes in the ume vinegar in process of making the pickled ume of Mito. 4. Teaching-materializing of water works of "Yamadera " We investigated the literature about the dam of the NAGATA Moemon and Kanemon father and son. It practiced in SPP enterprise junior high school science teacher training.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2004 
    Author : 小川 正賢; 川崎 謙; 隅田 学; 大辻 永; 藤井 浩樹; 中山 迅
    研究代表者を中心とする研究グループは,Culture Studies in Science Education(科学教育の文化研究)という新しい研究領域を開拓してきており,本研究では,近い将来の大型研究費へチャレンジするための国際的な研究基盤・研究連携ネットワークの確立をめざした企画調査活動を実施した.まず,この分野の中核的な研究者15名を内外から招聘して,この研究領域の研究枠組,研究方法論,研究手法に関する短期集中型の共同討議を神戸で実施したところ,共通認識を確立できたので,国際研究ネットワーク(International Research Network for Culture Studies in Science Education)の設立を宣言し,研究代表者がネットワークの代表者に選任された. また,この研究領域の研究に個別的に取り組んでいる世界各地の研究者の発掘と,本研究ネットワークの広報啓蒙活動を実施するために,国内メンバーは,世界各地で開催された国際会議等に参加し,広報パンフレットの配布,ミニ集会,個人的な勧誘活動などを行った. 同ネットワークのメーリングリストは神戸大学に,またHPを茨城大学に設立した(メンバーシップは,メンバーの推薦を条件とし大学院生以上の研究者に限定している.メーリングリストもメンバー内部に限定して,研究討議,グラント申請計画などを行ってきている.現在,メンバーは約35名である. 当面は,各メンバーが個別に各国で研究グラント,会議参加旅費などの申請を行い,グラントが得られたところに可能なメンバーが集合して研究活動を展開していくことになっている.個別の研究成果が出てきた時期にあわせて,各国で大型研究費の申請を開始するという戦略が確認されている.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : TAKENO Hidetoshi; KIKUCHI Ryuzaburo; TOSHIYASU Yoshio; OZAKI Hisaki; TOZUKA Shigenori; OTSUJI Hisashi
    We conducted investigation shown below. 1 We investigated the curriculum of teacher training of technology education. 2 We dispatched the college student to educational places (high school etc.), and investigated change of their consciousness. The result is as follows. 1 We have proposed the framework of the new curriculum of teacher training of technology education. 2 The lesson based on the framework of a new curriculum had good influence on a college student's instruction skill and motivation.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : FUJIOKA Tatsuya; KOBAYASHI Tatsushi; NISHIKAWA Jun; TOKITA Yoshinobu; OTSUJI Hisashi; OCHIAI Kiyoshige
    The following results were obtained : (1)I discuss the In-Service Teacher Training for the step towards the improvement of Geoscience teaching. In the urban area like Osaka, I should notice that the river environment is useful for the observation from the viewpoint of geosciences education. And we should not overlook the role of prefectural education center of these days. (2)I discuss significance and problems of the Science Partnership Program from the viewpoint of practice of the In-Service Field Training of Teachers around the Rokko Fault and the Nojima Fault in Hyogo Prefecture. In these areas, many people were injured by the Hyogoken-nanbu Earthquake in 1995. Many trainees in this program have learned about natural landscape and natural disasters. This program makes it clear that partnership between scientists and education center is very important for the effective In-service field training of teachers.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : 山本 宏; 松川 覚; 牧野 泰彦; 利安 義雄; 大辻 永
    我々は、「環境を通じて理科を学ぶ」という考えに基づいて新しい理科教育法の開発をおこなっている。「実行可能な経済性を持ちかつ生徒に能力・技能・行動力などを効果的に修得させることの出来るような教材の開発」を念頭に「ものづくり」「自然体験」が出来るような教材および教育プログラムの見直しおよび新規創出をしている。平成16年度までの途中成果としては「学校ビオトープの理科教材としての検討」「小中学校でも導入容易な簡便かつ正確な環境測定教材の開発」「分子模型の作成法の確立および分子模型の環境教育導入の試み」をおこなった。これらは主として中学校レベルのものとなっているが、小学校から高等学校までカバーできるものであると考えている。 実際には「観る・知る・作る」教育としての環境測定法に関してより現場で採り入れやすくなることを想定して小スケールで測定がおこなえるような改良を考えた。また、「観る・作る・体験する」教育として分子模型作製を生徒が作製する実験としてとらえ、その手法について詳細に検討し、実験として創出した。さらに、「作る・知る・体験する」教育として学校ビオトープに着目した。従来「ビオトープ」は生物の分野に属するものがほとんどであったが今回の研究においてはそれ以外の要素も採り入れることを検討した。まず、人工河川をビオトープ内に導入し水質や土の堆積作用などを学ぶことを盛り込んだ。また、ビオトープ内に理科の授業において取り上げるような木や草花を植えることでビオトープがより身近になり、その結果として自然にも身近にふれあうことが出来ると考えた。その発展として河川から花崗岩・砂岩・安山岩などの岩石を採取し、それもビオトープ内に配置して岩石についても学ぶことが可能にもした。このビオトープの有効性については今後さらに検討していく予定である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : 大辻 永
    自分史がブームになって久しい。「自分史」という言葉は,歴史家の色川大吉氏の造語である。色川は戦争直後の歴史研究にあって,それまでの青史ではなく,歴史に名前を残さない民の歴史,「民衆史」を開拓した。橋本義雄の「ふだん記運動」にも関係して,「自分史」と表現した。 このフレームに理科・科学教育を照らし合わせれば,カリキュラムや学習指導要領,教科書を分析するのではなく,学習者に「残ったもの」に焦点を当てた理科・科学教育研究が姿を現す。これが本研究でいう,自分史を方法論とする科学教育研究である。(日本科学教育学会第27回年会において発表)。 前年度から収集してきた,本学の自然科学系全女性教官を対象にした自分史を,本年はキャリア選択という観点ら分析した。すなわち,キャリア選択への影響の度合い,あるいは,種類という観点である。 その結果,自然系女性研究者のキャリア選択に関わる要因は,素因,遠因,誘因に分けられた。素因には,個人では選択や変更のしようのない生育環境や女性という性別,時代や社会の認識といったもの,あるいは,個人による得意科目などの志向性が分類された。遠因には,現在の専門分野に導いた書籍や出来事などのきっかけが分類できる。誘因には,指導教官が公募情報を寄せてくれたといった,就職に関係する直接的な出来事などが含まれた。 その他,被験者の職業選択には,プラスにせよマイナスにせよ,母親の影響が大きいという共通項を見出すことができた。 プライバシーにも関わるため具体的なことは記述できないが,全体を通して,真剣に自己に向き合う被験者の姿が浮かび上がってきた(日本科学教育学会平成15年度第1回研究会において発表)。 少年・少女時代に受けた教育について語らせることによってその教育のあり方を探る,あるいは,その人物の成長を丹念にたどり描きあげるといった研究は,今後さらに発展させる必要がある。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2002 
    Author : 牧野 泰彦; 大辻 永; 伊藤 孝; 利安 義雄
    この研究の目的は、野外調査での「発見」のおもしろさを、児童に味わわせることができる指導者の養成プログラムの開発を目的としている。本研究では、当理科研究室で永年にわたって研究成果の蓄積がある那珂川を野外調査の対象とした。那珂川の蛇行州で堆積作用が生ずるときは増水時に限られているが、濁流下で行われている砂礫の運搬・堆積の状況を実際に観察することは不可能である。しかし、増水時の状況は、増水前後の河床培形の変化や堆積物の性質を調査することによって知ることができる。 野外観察会は小学5・6年生を対象に2班に分けて行った。第1班は、現在(平常時)の流れが砂礫を運搬していないことを観察し、砂礫が運搬される場合は増水時であることを認識させた後、河床で増水の証拠を集めさせた。第2班には増水の事実を伏せ、河床の堆積物などを観察して集めた証拠から、増水のあったことをまとめさせた。第1班で子ども準ちが発見したものは、洗濯機の部品や草(ツルヨシ)が倒れていることであったが、十分な意識がないために、増水の証拠を発見することが難しい上に、観察事実を説明することも難しいことがわかった。第2班では、1)丸い石が多いこと、しかし、同時に角ばった礫もあることが不思議だ、2)穴の断面に縞模様が見えることなどが報告された。ここでも十分な知識がないために、堆積物や細かな地形の特徴を発見することが難しいようである。指導者は、調査の動機付けとある程度の知識が必要で、現場では観察の内容を具体的にしぼることが大切と指摘している。 子どもたちは小学校5年生の時に、川の運搬・浸食・堆積作用について学習している。しかし、基本的な知識をもっていても、それを直ちに実際の自然現象に結び付けることはできない。自然現象と知識の間にモデルを用いた支援が必要である。このような背景から、本研究では水槽実験装置や空撮ビデオ教材を準備した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2002 
    Author : OGAWA Masakata; NAKAYAMA Hayashi; SUMIDA Manabu; KAWASAKI Ken; YOSHIDA Atsushi; ISOZAKI Tetsuo
    The ultimate goal of the study is to obtain a global standard model of science and technology education for the 21^ century, by integrating findings of three recently developing research movements; culture studies, language studies, and gender studies in science and technology education. In order to tackle with this, the methodology we adopted is to concentrate our thinking and discussion on a very specific question, that is, how science and technology teacher education programs should be in the 21^ century? The closed informal meetings (Hiroshima in 2000, and Kobe in 2001) were held with most of the members (and some extended members as well) from all over the world. And compiled were Hiroshima research agenda and Kobe research agenda, which reflect the ideas and discussion among the participants. Both agendas suggest the way our future research on science and technology education. Research activities of each member have been performing under the framework of the agendas In 2002, most Japanese members as well as three international members made presentations of their respective research findings at the ASERA2002 meeting held in Townsville, Australia. And also domestic members have presented their papers at international and national academic conferences and seminars. Such papers are prepared for submission to academic journals (not only domestic but also international ones). Major research activities of the present study, since we realized this theme has its broader and deeper perspective in itself than we expected before, have been struggles with some fundamental issues alone. We recognize the need to continue this kind of fundamental study before proposing a certain concrete systemic vision of science and technology teacher education programs for the 21^ century.
  • 科学技術と社会との関連を扱う(STS)教育における体系的評価法の構築に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 1999/04 -2001/03 
    STS(科学技術社会)教育の体系的評価法を組むには,既存の教科・科目での評価観点を洗い出す作業が必要である。理科,社会,保健,環境等の教科領域,更にその下位の科目や単元での評価観点を横糸とし,また,それぞれ領域における学年進行(子どもの発達段階)を縦糸として,全人格的な子どもの成長を視野に入れた作業を避けては通れない。 この作業の中では国際比較の観点も重要である。教授・学習内容よりも評価観点に焦点を当てることで,各国固有の価値観が浮き彫りにされよう。本研究では,主にオーストラリアのSTS教育について資料を収集した。固有動物や移入動物といった背景をもつオーストラリアでは,人為的な管理が前提となっており,我が国の価値観とは根本的に異なる側面がある。 STS教育は,その性格上学年の進行とともに深さを増していく。オーストラリア(ここではヴィクトリア州)においては,高校卒業時までに養成されるべきSTS的な能力の評価をレポートにより行い,その評価観点を緻密に整備している。例えば「(遺伝技術の)基礎知識」や「調査の目的理解」,「まとめ作成の技能」といった項目が各科目に7〜9あり,それぞれについて,Very HighからVery Lowまでの5段階を文章で表現して評価している。この手引きは,学位を有した人材からなる教育委員会が提供し,個々の生徒の評価は教師にゆだねられている。 STS教育で国際人を育成することまで考慮すれば,価値観まで踏み込み,それを相対的に捉えることができる能力の養成までが求められよう。価値観の相対化は,環境教育や情報教育など最近注目を集めている内容領域のみならず,従来の心の教育にも通じる教育活動の根源的なテーマである。価値観の相対化は,このように,様々な領域から要請されつつあり,21世紀における教育活動の究極の目標となろう。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000 
    Author : FUJIOKA Tatsuya; HATA Kengo; SATOH Noboru; AZUMA Tooru; OTSUJI Hisashi; NAKAI Seiichi
    Lately an emphasis on Environmental Education and Science - Technology - Society(STS) Education has been introduced in Japan. These new approaches require the study of the science to be linked to human well being and social development. Unfortunately, even since the Hyogoken-nanbu Earthquake in Kobe in 1995, there has been little evidence that these opportunities are being explored in science education. This report will discuss ways in which such links can be made to provide more effective teaching materials for integrated learning of science in Japanese schools. But the scientific knowledge dealt with are tend to be decreased. So far, in school education, there are few opportunities to study from the viewpoints of integration, so the new subject of "Integrated Learning" could be expected in next school curriculum. If we try to develop new teaching materials or curriculum for local problems, not only in the field of science, the settlement of "Integrated Learning" are significant in these meanings. It is next problem that how should be the training for teachers who will take charge of these lessons.
  • STS的視点を導入した自然災害教育カリキュラムの構築に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 1997/04 -1999/03 
    平成10年末から翌年3月にかけて,学習指導要領が告示・発表された。阪神大震災後初めての改訂となる今回の学習指導要領において,自然災害教育も重視されつつある。最終年度にあたる本年度の研究活動は,大きく以下の3点に分けられる。 1. ホームページの作成( 自然災害に関する資料や図書,ホームページへのリンク,新聞記事の一覧,学習指導要領,白書,調査研究協力者会議の報告書等,自然災害教育に関連した資料を参照できるように整備した。 2. 学会等での成果の発表 STS国際シンポジウム,日本環境教育学会,日本理科教育学会において,それぞれSTS教育,環境教育,総合的な学習と自然災害教育との関連について,研究協力者の参加を得て成果を発表すると共に議論を行った。 3. 報告書冊子の作成 奨励研究であることから報告書冊子の作成は義務付けられていなかったが,研究開始当初から冊子の作成を念頭に入れており,今後の自然災害教育研究の契機になればと考え,冊子を作成した。「研究概要」と「資料」の他,以下の目次からなる。 第1部 自然災害教育プロジェクトの展開 1 本研究の目的と意義 / 2 本研究プロジェクトの流れ 第2部 自然災害教材開発の視点 1 火山災害の教材化-localとglobalを結ぶ視点- / 2 地震による地盤災害の教材化についての視点-自然災害を環境教育で取り組むための考察- / 3 水害・治水に関するSTS教材開発について-大阪府河内平野を例として- / 4 過去の自然災害の調査とストーリー化-自然災害教育カリキュラム構築法試案- / 5 教育の地域性と教員養成系大学 第3部 自然災害教育の位置づけ 1 理科教育においての自然災害に関する教育実践の流れ / 2 米国地学教育雑誌における自然災害教育関係文献1951-1997 / 3 自然災害と公民及び地歴分野での教材化の観点 / 4 公民科における防災教育の可能性について / 5「自立への応用」としての自然災害教育
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -1999 
    Author : OGAWA Masakata; FUJII Chiharu; ARAI Takatoshi; OTSUJI Hisashi; ONODERA Atsushi; MAKINO Yasuhiko
    In this study, Nakagawa drainage basin is regarded as a foundation of regional identity, and is set as the essential core of education for the people living there. Thus, the present study investigates how to develop their understanding of their region (Nakagawa drainage basin) from various perspectives, natural landscapes, cultural climates, folklore, social histories, etc. and cultivate 'educational power' of the drainage basin. At the beginning phase, it is planned to make the drainage basin function as an integral outdoor exhibition space, but as the study progresses, it turned out to be clear that the outdoor-type exhibits with labels explaining them are possible to inhibit visitors' free imagination on the exhibits. The idea comes about that the learners should develop their own understandings of the drainage basin through the active mental interactions with various kinds of relevant information collected and presented in the virtual space (Internet space). After receiving such information by themselves, they can readily imagine their own views of and affection toward Nakagawa drainage basin. Such image and affection will be expected to function as a regional identity. The collections of fundamental information on the drainage basin are now open to everybody through Internet and can be used for classes of elementary and secondary schools of the region.
  • Cognitive Structure and Change on Science and Nature
    Date (from‐to) : 1996/04 -1997/03
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1997 
    Author : OGAWA Masakata; KAWASAKI Masaru; TANAKA Hiroaki; SUGIYAMA Jiro; KAWASAKI Ken; OTSUJI Hisashi
    The present study carried out for three years for the purpose of developing teaching materials, espesially sub-textbooks, for new science courses for highschool, that are called science IAs. In these courese, different from usual academic oriented courses, emphases are laid in the relevance of science to daily lives. Science teachers, though they are aware of the significance of these courses for the students'future life, are not willing to teach such courses becarse they are not so familiar with how to teach such courses. For such teachers, the present study tried to develop several types of teaching materials or modules for their prospective use. The teaching contents and methodology are heavily dependent upon those developed in the new educational movement named STS education in western countries. The issue our team faced is the diversity of views on the image of "sub-textbook." Suggested materials are, of readings, of worksheets, and of textbooks. However, our decision is that we should not restrict the image of "sub-textbook" into one kind of stereotype, because various kinds of materials in style can be of merits among various teachers. As the results, our team have been developing various types of teaching materials for "sub-textbooks." Part of the resultant materials have already published as the chapters in two monographs, which is shown in the REFEFENCES list.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1996 -1996 
    Author : OGAWA Masakata; JEGEDE Olugbemiro; AIKENHEAD Glen S; COBERN William W; OTSUJI Hisashi; KAWASAKI Ken
    When we consider rationale of science education in the near-future, an important issue is that how the relation of scientific cosmology, which is constructed by the scientific community, and traditional cosmology, which is held by lay people in their lifeworld, should be. The purpose of the project is to compare how the conflict of the two cosmologies appears and how it be dealt with in the science education programs for Japanese, African, Middle Eastern, and First Nation's people, who received western modern science as a foreign culture, and come to mutual understanding of the situation. Through the process, the ultimate goal of the project is to establish a new rationale of science education, which is fit to the coming multiculturally co-existent society. The project aimed at clarifying how traditional cosmology of a certain people affects the enterprise called "Science Education" in the society concerned. For that purpose, we examined, at first, several fundamental issues, definitions of science, relationship between indigenous science and western science, natural philosophy and science, worldview, traditional cosmology and rationality, structural linguistics, negativity, etc. Then, the discussion proceeded to the issues relevant to teaching and learning science, that is, collateral learning, border-crossing, co-participation, symbolic violence, cultural fit and interaction, Fatima's rule, etc. The process was performed firstly by brainstorming among the members for about 3 months through the Listserve , TRACOS-L,then by one week meeting at Mito in September 23-27,1996, which is followed the synthesis process, again by the discussion through the Listserve. One of the results of synthesis was compiled by Jegede, Aikenhead, and Cobern as the Mito Document on Research Agenda under the title, "Cultural Studies in Science Education. "
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1996 
    Author : OGAWA Masakata; SEKI Yusaku; OTSUJI Hisashi
    In the technologicalized society Japan, citizens are facing various kinds of science-technology related issues (STS issues) like environmental and biomedical issues. How can we cultivate STS literacy to live actively in the society? This study examined precisely the lifelong education system of Japan from the viewpoint of science and technology education. The result indicates that the citizens are only expected to be responded passively to the changing society, never expected to become active contributors toward enterprises of changing society in the Japanese lifelong education system. Another finding is that there is serious defict of human resources who can serve as planners, coordinators, managers, trainers and facilitators of science and technology education in lifelong education scheme. Emergent need to develop new types of staff development programs is recognised.
  • Local Environmental Education
  • Interaction of Science and Society in Education

Teaching Experience

  • Introduction to Educational Theories
    Toyo University
  • Practical Training in Schools
    Toyo University
  • Introduction to Curriculum Study
    Toyo University
  • Introduction to Teaching Profession
    Toyo University
  • Educational Practicum
    Ibaraki University and Toyo University
  • Methodology of Secondary Science Teaching
    Ibaraki Univ., Shizuoka Univ., Saitama Univ., Toyo Univ.
  • Methodology of Elementary Science Teaching
    Ibaraki University ; Saitama University
  • Special Lecture for Science Education (Graduate Course)
    Graduate School of Education, Ibaraki University
  • Theories of Education in Schools (Graduate Course)
    Graduate School of Education, Ibaraki University
  • Rika I
    Chiba High School

Committee Membership

  • 2017/08 - Today   Center for Teacher Certification Program, Toyo Univ.   Deputy Director
  • 2014/08 -2018/11   EASE (Ease-Asian Association for Science Education)   Executive   EASE (Ease-Asian Association for Science Education)
  • 2015/07 -2017/06   Society of Japan Science Teaching   Executive
  • -2016   Japan Society of Earth Science Education   Editor

Social Contribution

  • 清真学園清中学校・高等学校SSH運営指導委員
    Date (from-to) : 2017/04-Today
    Role : Advisor
    Category : Others
  • クリーンアップひぬまネットワーク
    Date (from-to) : -2017/05
    Role : Others
    Category : Others
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 茨城県生活環境部
  • 茨城県立水戸第二高等学校SSH運営指導委員
    Date (from-to) : 2006/04/01-2016/03/31
    Role : Advisor
  • 茨城県科学作品展県展審査委員長
    Date (from-to) : -2016/03/31
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 茨城県教育委員会


  • 2017/03 -2017/03 The Very Hungry Caterpilar
    As a guest teacher, I made an interactive instruction on methodology of science education to about 20 sophomore students, College of Education, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea.(2017.3.14)