Researchers Database

Hiroshi Kono

    Department of Health and Sports Sciences Professor
    Course of Health and Sports Sciences Professor
    Research Institute of Industrial Technology Researcher
    Course of Human Life Studies Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/23

Researcher Information


  • Ph.D. in Medical Sciences

Research funding number

  • 20408975

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • Physical Activity   Fall Prevention   健康教育   加齢   Health Education   aging   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Nutrition and health science
  • Life sciences / Sports science

Association Memberships

  • American College of Sports Medicine   JAPAN SOCIETY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES   JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF EXERCISE EPIDEMIOLOGY   日本疫学会   日本健康教育学会   日本運動生理学会   日本公衆衛生学会   日本体力医学会   

Published Papers

Books etc

  • 齊藤, 恭平; 本名, 靖; 嶋崎, 博嗣; 神野, 宏司; 櫻井, 義夫 誠信書房 2017/09 9784414601596 vii, 264p

Conference Activities & Talks


Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : ASAI Hidenori; YAMAMOTO Naofumi; KOHNO Hiroshi
    The tool which evaluated coordination of the middle-aged and elderlies was considered. In this study, anthropometry, physical fitness test, and inventory survey about an exercise custom, ADL and other items were carried out to 449 middle-aged and elderlies in front and back for an exercise period. A multiple regression analysis by step-wise method for a dependent variable by an one-leg standing time with eyes open, side-step and an obstacle walk was done and the following results were provided. Coordination = 6.817 + 0.208× activities of daily living - 0.090 × age - 0.584 × Having periodical exercise custom or not - 0.104 × BMI- 0.803 × sex.(r2=0.648)
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : ASAI Hidenori; KOHNO Hiroshi
    The purpose of this investigation was to inspect the validity of the muscle strength training undertaking which a training machine for the elderly was used for. The research content performed before and after for training period (3months) were assessments of bodies such as a physical fitness and ADL, mentalities such as subjective euphoria, eptitude feelings, and depression, and third person assessment. Comparison with this machine training lesson and other lessons was performed. Many improvements were seen in the physical fitness test results that carried out before and after three months in all lessons. When these categories were compared with the group (Weak MTG) which carried out machine training and the other groups, the clear differences was not recognized. In the questionnaire survey, as for the category that an improvements were accepted, the clear differences were not recognized between a Weak MTG and the other groups. The clear differences were not recognized between Weak MTG and the other groups in the third person assessment either. Based upon the foregoing, the clear improvements were recognized in the physical fitness test of all groups and many categories of questionnaire survey in around 3 months, but the superiority of the training lesson where a training machine was used for wasn't able to be found. Because all lessons were finished in 2007, follow-up survey of the lesson participants has been carried out now.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(スタートアップ)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 神野 宏司
    転倒は要介護認定となる理由の第3位と医療費,介護保険料の上で重要であると同時に高齢者のQuality of Life(QOL)にとっても重要な問題である.本研究課題では,虚弱高齢者を対象に動的平衡性の向上を目的とした運動プログラムの実施による自立機能,身体的生活機能,実行可能性,QOL指標への効果を合わせて検討した.研究対象者は地域在宅高齢者を対象に研究の趣旨を説明したうえで体力測定会を開催し,参加者の中から開眼片足立ち時間が30秒未満の者を対象とした.教室参加者と非参加者群に分けた後,教室参加群に対してバランスボードを用いた運動プログラムの指導,および自宅での実践を支援する映像情報の提供,家族からの支援を促すプログラムの提供を行った.本研究により得られた結果は以下の通りである. 1. 身体機能 教室参加群の形態および筋力測定結果は非参加群と比較して有意な変化は認められなかった.それに対して平衡性の評価項目である開眼片足立ち,閉眼片足立ち,Functional Reachテストに有意な変化が認められた. 2. アンケート調査 身体機能の変化と同居者・家族からみた参加者の行動様式の変化に関連性が伺われた.また,抑うつ度およびQOL指標に有意な向上が認められた. 3. プログラムの実行可能性 運動実施記録の記載状況により2群に分けて比較したところ,記載状況の良好な群の身体機能,QOL指標に良好な結果が得られていた. 4. 効果の持続性 教室参加群の身体状況は追跡6ヶ月の時点で継続実施者と非実施者で差が認められているが,さらなる検討を必要するものと考えられる. 以上の結果から本プログラムの有効性が認められるがさらなる検討の必要性が示唆された.
  • 高齢者の生活機能
    Date (from‐to) : 1996
  • Functional Fitness for Elderly
    Basic Research Promotion Service for Health and Medical Field
    Date (from‐to) : 1996