Researchers Database

Michiko Nishino

    Department of Sociology Professor
    Course of Sociology Professor
    Institute of Human Sciences Researcher
Last Updated :2024/04/23

Researcher Information


  • (BLANK)(Waseda University)

Research funding number

  • 50257185

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • ライフコース   全国家族調査   家族   日本   出生コーホート   パネル調査   発達研究   キャリア   社会学   Sociology   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2011/04 - Today  Toyo UniversityFaculty of Sociology教授
  • 2004/04 - 2011/03  Toyo UniversityFaculty of Sociology助教授・准教授
  • 2001/04 - 2004/03  Toyo UniversityFaculty of Sociology専任講師
  • 1998 - 2001  Musashi University
  • 1997 - 2001  Waseda University
  • 1992 - 2001  Seikei University
  • 1995 - 1998  The Open University of Japan
  • 1993 - 1997  Waseda University


  •        - 1993  Waseda University  文学研究科  社会学
  •        - 1987  Waseda University  School of Humanities and Social Sciences  哲学科

Association Memberships

  • 家族問題研究学会   比較家族史学会   日本家族社会学会   日本社会学会   

Published Papers

Books etc

Conference Activities & Talks

  • 夫婦関係分析におけるダイアド・データ活用の可能性  [Not invited]
    日本家族社会学会第30回大会  2020/09  Oral presentation
  • 子どもの巣立ちは夫婦関係に影響するのか:パネルデータによる検討  [Not invited]
    日本家族社会学会第28回大会  2018/09  Oral presentation
  • 子どもの巣立ちを夫婦はどう迎えるのか  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    日本家族社会学会第6回家族社会学パネル研究会  2016/02  Oral presentation
  • いつも夫婦は助け合って生活しているのか  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    日本家族社会学会第6回家族社会学パネル研究会  2016/02  Oral presentation
  • 夫婦関係の推移をとらえる試み  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    日本家族社会学会第3回家族社会学パネル研究会  2015/02  Oral presentation
  • 家族意識の変容  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    東北大学 萩セミナー ワークショップ「計量分析からみる家族変動」  2010/10
  • Exploring the Source of Inconsistencies between the Family Norms and Designated Family Roles  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    “Diversity and Dynamics of East Asian Family”East Asian Comparative Family Studies Workshop  2010/08
  • 全国家族調査(NFRJ)のパブリシティ――『現代日本人の家族』刊行の意義を問う  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    第19回日本家族社会学会大会  2009/09
  • 日本と韓国における中・後期親子間関係  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    東洋大学福祉開発研究センター公開研究会「日本と韓国における家族・地域の変容と福祉社会の形成-国際比較研究の課題と方法をめぐって」  2009/08
  • Comparative Analysis of Family Consciousness in Japan and china  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    International Workshop on Family Structure and Relations: Collaborative Exploration of Micro-level Data Sets in Japan, China, and Korea  2009/07
  • Comparison of consciousness of gender role division: Japan, China and Kore  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    International Workshop on Family Structure and Relations: Collaborative Exploration of Micro-level Data Sets in Japan, China, and Korea  2007/12
  • 早稲田プロジェクトにおけるパネル研究の成果と課題  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    ㈱ニッセイ基礎研究所研究会  2006/02
  • 調査の目的と調査票の構造  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    日本家族社会学会第14回大会(日本大学)テーマセッション日本家族社会学会第14回大会報告要旨  2004/09
  • 職場への適応  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    第2回パネルカンファレンス(グランドヒル市ヶ谷)季刊『家計経済研究』  2002/12
  • 職場での適応:パネルデータによる縦断分析の試み  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    日本社会学会第75回大会(大阪大学)第75回日本社会学会大会報告要旨  2002/11
  • 社会変動と人間発達プロジェクトの概要  [Not invited]
    西野 理子
    第1回パネルカンファレンス(グランドヒル市ヶ谷)季刊『家計経済研究』  2001/12


  • 家族についての全国パネル調査
  • 家族生活についての全国調査
  • National Family Research of Japan
  • Social Change and Human Development


  • 調査の達人
    西野理子  社会と調査  (30)  113  2023/03
  • 家族、血縁社会を捉え直す
    西野理子  倫風  (12月)  38  -41  2021/12
  • Michiko NISHINO  The Bulletin of Facnlty of Sociology Toyo University  39-3, 91-104-  (3)  91  -104  2002
  • Work Career After Job Cuts : The effects of prolonged work experience in coal industry
    THE ANNUALS OF SOCIOLOGY  42-  41  -52  2001
  • Nishino Michiko  Japanese Journal of Family Sociology  13-1, 35-45-  (1)  35  -45  2001
  • On what counditions are elder siblings recognized as family members and under what conelitions is the conscionsness sustained
    Japanese Journal of Family Sociology  13-1, 61-71-  2001
  • Who are Thought as Family Members : An Exploratory Analysis
    ANNALS OF FAMILY STUDIES  25-  43  -56  2000
  • Role Transition from Undergraduates to Occupation : An Examination of Four Hypotheses with Individual Data
    Journal of Human Sciences  13-  (1)  53  -61  2000
  • Adaptation to the Work Place
    Journal of Human Sciences  15-  (2)  36  -46

Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2027/03 
    Author : 西野 理子; 池岡 義孝; 嶋崎 尚子; 三輪 哲; 筒井 淳也
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 佐藤 香; 長尾 由希子; 卯月 由佳; 山口 泰史; 三輪 哲; 西野 理子; 鈴木 富美子; 元治 恵子; 伊藤 秀樹; 深堀 聡子
    2021年度には、オンラインによって合計5回の打ち合わせと4回の研究会を開催し、Wave18の本人調査およびWave4の配偶者調査を郵送法による質問紙調査によって実施した。本人調査の回収数は403(回収率30.0%)、配偶者調査の回収数は206(回収率80.5%)であった。2020年度に実施したWave17の調査データ(対象年齢:34~35歳)の分析においては、コロナ禍における夫婦関係の変化、家の中の居場所、仕事への影響と給付金などに焦点をあてた。また、各人の研究関心にもとづいて、これまで蓄積してきたパネルデータの分析をおこない、学会報告2本、学術誌論文2本、ディスカッションペーパー1本の成果があげられた。 Wave17のデータをもちいた基礎的分析による知見は以下のとおりである。もともと良好な関係をもつ夫婦では、コロナ禍においても、その関係は揺るがないことが示された。また在宅勤務・テレワークをおこなう夫でも、実際の家事や育児の頻度はそれほど増えていないが、妻は夫の在宅・テレワークによって夫の家事・育児頻度が増加したと評価する傾向にあることが明らかになった。 在宅時間は増加したコロナ禍においては、それ以前と比較すると居間やダイニングといった共同のスペースで過ごすことが多くなる傾向にあったが、緊急事態宣言下で過ごした場所については、性別・家族の状況・住居の種類によって違いがあった。 さらに、コロナ禍と仕事との関係をみると、約半数がコロナ禍によって影響を受けたと回答しており、その内訳では労働時間・収入の減少、業務内容の変更などが多く、解雇や雇止めはほとんどなかった。また、安定した仕事に就くことができず、かつ福祉の受給条件に合致しない、いわば「制度の狭間」にいる人々が存在することも明らかになった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 鈴木 富美子; 三輪 哲; 西野 理子; 田中 茜
    家族形成初期段階は妻と夫の夫婦関係満足度の乖離が最も大きく、結婚の質を考えるうえで重要な時期にもかかわらず、この時期の夫婦間の相互作用や関係性の変化の検討に必要な計量データは日本ではまだ充分整っていない。 本研究はこの課題に取り組むため、高校卒業時からほぼ毎年パネル調査を実施してきた高卒パネル調査対象者の「配偶者」に3回の継続的な調査を行うことで「夫婦ペアパネルデータ」を構築し、同一夫婦における妻と夫の満足度の①変化の様態と②変化の要因を明らかにすることを目的としてスタートした。2018年度から2020年度まで毎年調査を実施し、3時点の夫婦ペアパネルデータを収集することができた。収集したペアデータは、2018年度181組、2019年度183組、2020年度188組の延べ552組で、うち3時点のすべてに回答したのは102組であった。 2021年度もコロナ禍の状況を踏まえ、オンラインで全3回の研究会を開催し、夫婦ペアデータや夫婦ペアパネルデータを用いた研究成果を発信すべく、議論を重ねてきた。特に2020年度の調査では、コロナ禍が人々のくらしに及ぼした影響を探るため、コロナに関連する質問項目を設けた。これらの項目を用いて、研究分担者・田中(東北文化学園大学)は、緊急事態宣言下での夫婦関係の変化を分析し、速報版を作成して調査対象者へ配布するとともに、コロナ禍における夫の家事・子どもとのかかわりをテレワークと絡めて分析し、ディスカッションペーパーにまとめ、HPで公開した。研究代表者・鈴木(大阪大学)については、2020年度家族社会学会のテーマセッション「ダイアド・データによる家族研究の可能性」での報告内容が『社会と調査』の特集号「家族のリアリティを調査する 工夫・成果・課題」に掲載された。
  • 定位家族成員間の関係性変容のパネルデータ分析
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : 西野 理子
    本研究は、全国規模の家族パネル調査データを活用して、親子、きょうだいという定位家族成員間の関係性の変容過程を探求しようというものである。 本研究で用いるパネルデータは、日本家族社会学会全国家族調査委員会による全国家族パネル調査(NFRJ-08Panel)である。第1波は、住民票を用いた層化二段抽出による全国確率標本で実施された。回答者のうち、追跡調査に応諾した1,879名を対象に、その後4回にわたってデータが蓄積されている。 昨年度に精査したデータセットを用いて、今年度は分析を進めるとともに、分析技法の検討を重ねた。定位家族の成員間の関係性にはきょうだいが大きな役割を果たすが、きょうだいは対象者1人あたり複数名を含む。このため、マルチレベル分析が有効である。そこで、文献による検討に加えて、7月に研究会を開催し、講師に依頼してパネルデータのマルチレベル分析に関するレクチャーを受けた。 マルチレベル分析技法を学んだあと、きょうだいに関する分析に着手した。しかしながら、きょうだいに関する情報は第1波と第5波の2時点の情報にとどまるため、先に、5時点の情報がそろっている夫婦関係に関する分析を発展させた。その成果は、9月に開かれた日本家族社会学会第28回大会において、「子どもの巣立ちは夫婦関係に影響するのか:パネルデータによる検討」と題する報告を行った。また、男性の家事参加の変化に着目した研究を展開している研究者や、既婚女性の就労変化を扱っている研究者、さらに家族変動の歴史的推移に詳しい研究者らと面会し、分析の詳細について検討を進めた。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : YASUDA Tokio; NISHINO Michiko; NAGAI Akiko; TAGA Futoshi; TSUTSUI Junya; TANAKA Sigeto; MIWA Satoshi; MIZUOCHI Masaaki; TANAKA Keiko; SUGASAWA Takayuki
    The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological foundation for the use of panel data in family sociological research. The core of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of panel data from retrospective survey. For that purpose, a mail survey was conducted to recall family events and consciousness over the past 20 to 30 years. As a result of the survey, the panel data from retrospective survey was able to sufficiently measure the long-term change, and it was shown that we can collect vast data efficiently.
  • パネルデータによる家族関係の変容過程の研究
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 西野 理子
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Inaba Akihide; TABUCHI Rokuro; TSUTSUI Junya; YASUDA Tokio; MATSUDA Shigeki; NISHIMURA Junko; TANAKA Shigeto; NAGAI Akiko; NISHINO Michiko; SHIMAZAKI Naoko; HIRASAWA Kazushi; ARAMAKI Sohei; MATSUI Shinichi; BAE Jihey; KIM JungNim; SHI Liping; SUGANO Tsuyoshi; DAINICHI Yoshiharu; TANAKA Keiko; YAMATO Reiko; SUZUKI Fumiko; FUKUDA Nobutaka; NAKANISHI Yasuko; SHINADA Tomomi; INUI Junko; SHIMA Naoko; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; MATSUNOBU Hiromi; UCHIDA Tetsuro; IDA Mizue; HORI Makiko; KAMO Yoshinori; YODA Shohei; MIWA Kiyoko; NEGISHI Yumi; CHIKAKANE Michiko; YOSHITAKE Rio
    We pubish book entitled 'Families in Japan,1999-2009: Based upon quantitative analyses of National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ)', which is consisted of nineteen papers written by twenty eight representive family researchers in Japan, in June 2016 from University of Tokyo Press (now printing). We analyzed structures and changes of families in Japan mainly around preiod between 1999 to 2009, based upon National Family Reserach of Japan 2008 data set(NFRJ08),with NFRJ98 data set and/or NFRJ03 data set. Thorugh the analyses, we can see the trend that people depend more on one's family of orientation during these period, though we can also see the disadvantages of people who do not have such resourceful family relationships gradually increasing.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : HARAYAMA Tetsu; ASAKURA Kyoko; AOKI Shinji; NISHINO Michiko; MOSSE Philippe; BOULONGNE-GARCIN Maryse; BRUGERE Fabienne
    The present study focuses on caring activities in community, especially on the deconstruction of gendered forms of nurses’ careers and their articulation work required on the part of various social actors. In 2013-2014, a comparative survey on visiting nurses’work was conducted in France and Japan. In 2015, the session “Health professions and organization” was organized in the Congress ISA for discussing the question of articulation work by nurses and social workers. The social reconstruction in Fukushima brings new values to the fore, which accentuate developing social networks through the various social actors’ articulation work. This means developing new forms of family life and new kinds of local communities, by extending the existing social networks.
  • 震災復興におけるアーティキュレーション・ワークの研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2014
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2013 
    Author : NISHINO Michiko; NAGAI Akiko; TANAKA Keiko; TANAKA Sigeto; TSUTSUI Junya; MIZUOCHI Masaaki; MIWA Satoshi; YASUDA Tokio
    By using a panel study method that followed the same cohort, this study collected nation-wide data on contemporary Japanese families as part of the National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ), organized by the Japan Society of Family Sociology. Beginning with 1,879 participants who responded to the NFRJ08 in January 2009, an annual postal follow-up survey was conducted; it was followed by a detailed survey for which respondents were visited. The response rate was between 80 and 90 percent, with complete data from all 5 surveys collected from 1,317 respondents. Around 40 members of the Society formed a research group that met two-three times per year to hold workshops on panel data analysis methods and review the results of the data analysis. Members of the research group also participated in data cleaning and some of the survey visits. A summary of this study along with details of the basic characteristics of the data was published as a report.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : NAGAI Akiko; INABA Akihide; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; SHIMAZAKI Naoko; TANAKA Shigeto; TABUCHI Rokurou; NISHINO Michiko; NISHIMURA Junko; FUKUDA Nobutaka; YASUDA Tokio
    In the project, we used the national sample time series data “National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ98,03,08)”and analyzed on “Work and Family”, “Dynamics of Intergenerational Relationships”, “Family Formation and Child Care” and “SocialStratification / Social Networks”. Summarizing results of analyses, first, marital relationship (wives work, husband’s domestic work, marital satisfaction and so on) remains virtually unchanged. Second, family formation changed greatly. Non-traditional families(stepfamily, one parent family) increase. Third, non-traditional families in adverse condition. Especially children in non-traditional families in adverse condition.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : ISHIHARA Kunio; MATSUDA Sonoko; TABUCHI Rokuro; HIRAO Keiko; NAGAI Akiko; NISHINO Michiko; SHI Liping; KIM Jung-nim; KATO Akihiko; NISHIMURA Junko; AOYAGI Ryouko
    A new style of comparative research on family, based on the reciprocal usage of micro-level datasets from comprehensive family surveys carried out in the three countries, has been successfully tried. And finally, the output was published from Sophia University Press titled Changing Families in Northeast Asia : China, Korea, and Japan. Multifaceted results of analysis by the participants can be summarized into two themes: (1) Under the similar conditions characterized by the demographic aspect such as low birth rate and aged society and also by the individualization, families in these three countries have been changing almost in the same direction in spite of difference in timing and speed. (2) At the same time, there are also some clear differences among three countries in terms of intergenerational and marital relations and changing pattern of these relations. It was supposed that difference is caused by the uniqueness of the effect of socio-cultural tradition in each country.
  • 若年層における非正規雇用と社会参入に関する組織領域間の比較研究
    科学研究費 基盤研究(B)(一般)
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2010 
    Author : 原山哲
  • 「ニート」の問題の現状と克服に関する応用・臨床社会学的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2009 
    Author : INABA Akihide; ISHIHARA Kunio; SHIMAZAKI Naoko; WATANABE Hideki; TANAKA Shigeto; FUJIMI Sumiko; NAGA Akiko; NISHIMURA Junko; KANBARA Fumiko; YASUDA Tokio; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; FUKUDA Nobutaka; TABUCHI Rokuro
    The aim of this research project is to plan the research design of the 3^ National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ08), which is the serial social survey research after those conducted in 1999 (NFRJ98) and 2003 (NFRJ03), and to do this survey. We finally plan to make up this data set as a public use one for researchers. We selected 9,400 samples by stratified two stage random sampling method among people aged 28 to 72, men and women living in Japan, between November and December in 2008. We did survey by self-administered questionnaire method between January and February in 2009. We got 5,203 respondents from them (response rate was 55.4 percent).
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : ISHIHARA Kunio; MATSUDA Sonoko; TABUCHI Rokuro; HIRAO Keiko; NISHINO Michiko; NAGAI Akiko
    In this project it was aimed to develop cross national comparative study on family in North-east Asia through collaboration with leading researchers in China and Korea. Comparative analyses were made upon micro-level datasets collected in three societies. Placing Japanese data (NFRJ) which had been administered by Japan Society of Family Sociology ad the pivot of comparison, Korean data (KNFS03) surveyed by Korean Women s Development Institute and the Family Survey of China (FSC06) which was newly conducted replicating NFRJ were analyzed. This is truly an innovative effort in the field of family study. Papers(in English) on the comparative analyses were read and discussions were made at International Workshop in December 2007. After revising these papers, final report(in English) of this project was compiled. Discussion on differences and similarities among families in the three societies were presented in the final report, covering such aspects of family life as generational relationship, division of labor between spouses, marital satisfaction, stress and family life, attitude on family, marriage pattern and investment of children s education in stratified society. However, considerable amount of time which was required for solving problems in the launching process of datasets sharing did not leave enough time for us to accomplish our aim thoroughly. We hope to continue and elaborate our analyses in depth and breadth in the next project which fortunately will be funded again by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C).
  • 少子高齢化社会の家族と公共性の諸相-市民・地域・事業・行政・司法の連携に関する研究-
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007
  • コンフリクト処理に関する修復的実践と社会的正義についての研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2006
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2006 
    Author : MASAOKA Kanji; FUJIMI Sumiko; SHIMAZAKI Naoko; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; NISHINO Michilko; OHKUBO Takaji
    The objectives of this study is to describe in detail the historical economic and sociological significance of the development and demise of the coal mining industry in Japan which sustained the basis of heavy capitalism by supplying primary energy during the 19^ to the mid-20^ Century through an example in Northeast Japan. Also we stored comparative historical records and data in a retrievable system. The above objective was accomplished through the following five steps. (1) Construction of a large data base of micro-data regarding the careers of 89% of the workers who were once employed by the Joban Coal Mine Co. (2) Longitudinal analysis of various careers of individual miners from the initial employment to the termination of employment. (3) Analyses of the connection between the careers at the mine and those of the jobs after the closure of the mine and of the effect of involuntary career interruption. (4) Construction of data base and analysis of the process of separation from work for the former miners who had once worked at the Joban Coal Mine Co.. (5) Public usage of the large-scale micro data after digitizing the various micro data. All records of workers' employment during the late 1950s to early 60s (about 80,000 events) were digitized and a large-scale data base of the detailed careers of the entire 6,459 coal-mine workers was constructed. On the other hand, there were 4,209 workers at the mine closure in 1971. Eighty-nine percent of them, namely 3,747 people, whose careers were severed by the closure of the mine were traced and surveyed (survey completed 1,427 people (34%), survey impossible 879 people (21%), death confirmed 1,441 people (34%)). The career data of these people during employment at the mine and those after the closure of the mine were connected and a career data base for their entire lives was constructed. The effects of involuntary interruption of careers, careers after disruption of employment, and their lives during retirement were analyzed using the above career data for the entire lives, and the results were published. A part of the large-scale micro-data base archive constructed by this study is open to the public on our website.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2006 
    Author : Michiko NISHINO
    This study focuses on male nursery school workers, who are in the overwhelming minority. Through a questionnaire, research and interviews their careers were investigated and gender-based aspects such as the process of shaping one's life and turning points were researched.The first year of this study was devoted to preparation. In the second year those who work in public nursery schools in the 23 wards of Tokyo were interviewed and in the third year we researched those who work in private nursery schools in those same 23 wards. The data base connecting the two includes information on 280 peo...
  • 場・公共経営・ジェンダー
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2004 
    Author : SHIMAZAKI Naoko; MASAOKA Kanji; FUJIMI Sumiko; NISHINO Michilko; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; SHIRAI Chiaki
    The Joban Coal Mining Co., Ltd., was one of the major coal mining companies of Japan but ceased operation on 1971. The following three types of activities were carried out with the purpose of reconstructing the historical process of the demise of the coal mining industry of the area, and the staff and worker unions including both staff and workers. 1.Construction of the data archive We constructed the digital archive of the Joban coal mine company's documents : the administration division, the labor management division, the labor union, and the staff union. The procedure was as follows. Now that the data archive has been constructed we are operating on a network. Our data archive includes the nominal lists and the official documents, in the form of both digital and PDF, amounts to 1,680vcontents. (1)Digitization, editing and cleaning work (2001-2002r) of the nominal list data (691 contents). (2)PDF-ized work of documents data (about 500 points) original form (2002-2004). (3)Grant work of the ID number to all nominal list data registration persons (2002). (4)All data (1,680 points) index creation (2004). (5)Construction of an archive data retrieval system (2004). 2.Construction of the photograph data archive : about 900 photographs of the Joban area in the Showa 30s (1955-1965) were digitized, and retrievable bank network was constructed. 3.Publication of three bibliographical notes : the bibliographical notes regarding the job offers, job-hunting, and employment at the time of the company closure, and two notes based on photographic data were published.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2003 
    Author : 藤見 純子; 渡邊 秀樹; 大久保 孝治; 石原 邦雄; 松田 苑子; 西野 理子
    本研究は、第2回全国家族調査(NFRJ03)の準備のための基礎研究である。第1回全国家族調査(NFRJ98)によって収集されたデータは、すでに多種多様な分析の対象となり、その結果は合計8冊の報告書、および単行本『現代家族の構造と変動』(2004年1月刊、東京大学出版会)において公表されている。しかしNFRJ03の実施準備を行っていく過程で、NFRJ98調査がその調査方法、質問項目、尺度や測度などの点で検討すべき問題を抱えていることが次第に明らかになってきた。NFRJ98データを最大限生かしつつ、今後定期的に実施しようとしている全国家族調査結果に連動させていくためには、第2回全国家族調査(NFRJ03)においてより信頼性・妥当性のある質問項目、尺度、測度を確保することが望まれた。 そこで本研究では、一方でNFRJ98データを海外で実施されている同様の調査(たとえばアメリカのNSFHやPSID、イギリスのBHPS、ドイツのGLHS、また東アジア諸国での諸調査)結果と比較可能なデータに構築し直した。この作業は、上記したように、より信頼性・妥当性のある質問項目、尺度、測度を得るためばかりでなく、近い将来、日本家族の各時点での実態とその変容の実相を海外諸国と比較するためにも至当と考えたからである。他方、NFRJ98データの再構築過程で入手しえた結果は、NFRJ03実施計画の見直しに反映された。 本研究で、より望ましい全国家族調査の方法、観察側面、測度や尺度などをある程度確かめることができたといえるが、2003年末にサンプリング、2004年2月に実施した第2回全国家族調査(NFRJ03)には、主として経費の面から、本研究の成果を十分生かすことはできなかった。しかし、海外諸調査結果との比較研究のための基盤をつくることができたと考える。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : OKUBO Takaji; SHIMAZAKI Naoko; FUJIMI Sumiko; MASAOKA Kanji; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; NISHINO Michiko
    In 1990, we chose a group of college students (1,570 persons) as research objects. At the period when they were still registered at a college, the first research was conducted. Since then, the time of twelve years has passed. In the meantime, the five times of research were carried out for them. The last research was conducted in 2002. The objects are 519 persons who were the respondents of the fourth research in 1998. The respondents of the last research are 379 persons (73 percent of the objects). Refer to "Development Report" vol.13 (Advanced Research Center for Human Science, Waseda University, 2003) about their basic attributes and life-style. In addition, we tried the life-story interview to 98 persons who are the respondents of the last research. Refer to "And They Became in the Middle Age of 30's." (Department of Sociology in Waseda University, 2004) about it.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2001 
    Author : MASAOKA Kanji; SHIMAZAKI Naoko; SATO Yoshiuki; FUJIMI Sumiko; SAWAGUCHI Keiichi; NISHINO Michiko
    Our research carried out a follow-up survey of former coal mine workers who were discharged by the shutdown of a coal mine company in 1971. This company donated the most documents which it had held to a local university after having closed the business. Therefore, our research project adopted two strategies for our research purpose. One strategy aimed at elucidating how the former coal mine workers who lost job by closing the company organized their later life courses. On this account 4,700 totals that lost a job due to the shutdown of the company constitute our study subjects. Another strategy is for us to convert the documents which the company left into the archival data as far as possible and to analyze the data. To carry out the first strategy, we had to confirm the current location of our subjects of 4700 persons. Unfortunately, about 30 years passed after their losing job. We confirmed the current addresses of almost of our subjects with various methods. The number of the former coal mine workers that completed the face-to-face interviews has surpassed 1,000 people at present. On the other hand, we converted the documents which already extended to thousands of points into archival data. One part of the data contributed to chase the current addresses of former coal mine workers. Now we are carrying out the integration between quantitative data that were collected through interviews with subjects, and the archival data set. In addition, our home page displays the pictures of the latest coal pit technology in 1960s, and photographs of the coal pit workers and their families. Now we start making of an article collection about "The end of Coal Mine Industry and the Life of Former Coal Mine Workers".
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 -1996 
    Author : MASAOKA Kanji; NISHINO Michiko; FUJIMI Sumiko
    The results that we have completed in this fiscal year are as follows : 1 Some statistical descriptions and the cohort analysis on various events on familycareers of persons, that had been experienced through their life span, (but in this year, primarily focused on the marriage timing). In the way of this analysis, a new dataset was constructed from the Shumon-Ninbetsu Cho (Nishinago, now in Yamanashi Prefecture) to describe and analyze the sequences and timing of family-career. 2 Construction of individuals' Iife trajectory data-set by using some consecutive Shumon-Ninbetsu-Cho (Kamimura, now In Gifu Prefecture). Our workings are proceeded through the following four steps. (1) Identifying and linking the same persons on computer, who were appeared in registers over some consecutive and intermittently years. (2) a large volume of computer-outputs were checked and corrected through careful hand-workings, and (3) through two steps, finally, a new data-set of life trajectory by Individuals. This data-set includes the number of persons. 3 Construction of the data-set of household-succession, which have been continued since last year, are completed for three villages (Yamanaka, Higashikaiden [Gifu], and Nishinango (Yamanashi).
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1995 
    Author : 西野 理子
  • Panel Study on Families in Japan
  • Study on Life-course Dynamics and Family Development
  • Study on Transition to Adulthood