Researchers Database

Toru Ishikawa

    Department of Information Networking for Innovation and Design Professor
    Course of Information Networking for Innovation and Design Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/06

Researcher Information


  • Ph.D.(2002/09 University of California, Santa Barbara)


Research funding number

  • 70436583

Published Papers

Books etc


Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Ishikawa Toru; ASAMI Yasushi
    In a shrinking society with decreased pressure of urban development, constructing compact cities where various land uses are located within walking distance is advocated. As a possible method for such planning, performance-based regulation has been discussed, which aims to evaluate whether to accept different land uses in residential areas depending on the degree to which they disturb the environment. This research examined residents' perceptions and evaluations of mixed land use with the methods of conjoint analysis and contingent valuation, based on online surveys administered to residents in four wards of Tokyo. Responses were examined in relation to residential characteristics, the degree of land-use mix, and personal values. Implications for urban planning in the age of city shrinkage are discussed, focusing on the psychological trade-off between convenience and residential environment and the degree of mixed land use that the residents consider appropriate.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Ishikawa Toru
    Our society has become increasingly spatially enabled, where geospatial technologies and georeferenced data infrastructures allow us to access a vast amount and variety of information whenever we need it, at any place, at any time. Such a spatially enabled society, however, poses potential problems for our cognition and behavior in the environment. In particular, some concerns have been raised about geospatial awareness in the age of satellite navigation. Although these concerns are legitimate, they await empirical examination--existing studies examined short-term or momentary effects of the use of navigation systems, but not long-term effects. Thus, this research examined the relationship between accumulated experience of using different types of navigation tools and spatial learning in a large-scale space, through a correlational study of spatial aptitudes and use of navigation tools and a behavioral experiment of wayfinding and spatial orientation with different navigation tools.
  • 区分所有関係解消制度の国際比較を踏まえた日本での導入課題検討・政策効果の分析
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 村辻 義信; 山崎 福壽; 福井 秀夫; 久米 良昭; 石川 徹
    2014年6月に成立した「マンションの建替えの円滑化等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律」による改正法である「マンションの建替え等の円滑化に関する法律」におけるマンション敷地売却制度は、耐震性能不足マンションのみを対象とする制度ではあるものの、5分の4以上の多数決により、区分所有関係を解消する道を開いたものとして、評価することができる。 しかし、同制度は、1981年の改正建築基準法による新耐震基準を満たしたマンションには適用されないため、同年以降に建築確認を受けた(すなわち概ね1982~1983 年以降に竣工した)マンションは適用対象外となってしまうほか、それより前に建築された高経年マンションであっても、耐震性能不足ではないもの、或いは、耐震性能不足であることを証明できないものは、多数決での区分所有関係解消の道が閉ざされたままになっている。このため、同制度が適用できないマンション類型ごとに、その再生手法や区分所有関係解消ニーズ等を調査・分析した。その結果、制度改正のための立法課題として、(1)解消決議について行政処分を介在させ取消訴訟の排他的管轄に服せしめること、(2)解消決議の要件は、一切裁量性のない客観的基準とすること、(3)解消決議には売渡請求制度を設けず、決議反対者が開発利益を顕在化させた時価での売渡により不公正な利益を享受できないようにすること、(4)解消の決議は議決権割合の 3 分の 2 以上の賛成で決議できる内容とすること等を摘出した。 また、マンション建替えやマンション敷地売却に関して多大な影響を与えることにもなるマンション管理のあり方についても、研究を深めた。こうした研究内容を平成28年4月16日に都市住宅学会関西支部において「我が国のマンション再生法制の課題と問題点~権利関係調整の観点から~」との演題で報告している。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Ishikawa Toru
    This study focuses on the issue of urban planning in the age of shrinking cities, where a change is desirable from the traditional planning aimed for regulations to the planning with more flexibility due to the decline of the pressure of development and the increase of unused land. To that end, this study examined people's psychological evaluations of residential environments and convenience, and attitudes toward mixed land use in residential areas, through a questionnaire survey administered to 4,000 residents in four wards of Tokyo (Setagaya-ku, Suginami-ku, Taito-ku, and Sumida-ku). Based on their responses to the questionnaire, the effects of performance-based regulations and the possibility of applying them to the practice of urban planning were discussed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2009/04 -2015/03 
    Author : ASAMI Yasushi; OGUCHI Takashi; ARIKAWA Masatoshi; ISHIKAWA Toru; ITOH Satoru; IMAI Osamu; OKABE Atsuyuki; OKAMOTO Kohei; OKUNUKI Keiichi; KAWABATA Mizuki; KUBOTA Koichi; KOHSAKA Hiroyuki; SADAHIRO Yukio; SATO Hideto; SUZUKI Atsushi; TAKAHASHI Nobuto; FUJITA Hideyuki; FURUHASHI Taichi; MURAKOSHI Shin; MURAYAMA Yuji; MORITA Takashi; YANO Keiji; YUDA Minori; YONEZAWA Chinatsu; WAKABAYASHI Yoshiki; LEE Sohee; OTA Morishige; KUROKAWA Chikako
    Based on “Curriculum standard for geographic information science”, the following teaching materials and methods for developing spatial thinking ability are developed: Publication of “Geographic Information Science Body of knowledge”; Development of e-learning materials; Publication of a text book “Geographic Information Science: GIS standard”; Development of materials to test spatial thinking ability; Development of a tool kit “gittok” for Geographic Information Technology education to enable education in source codes for GIS, Implementation of workshops for primary and secondary school students to develop spatial thinking ability, Publication of a guidebook for Rikugien, a Japanese garden in Tokyo, Holding an international conference for “International Conference: Spatial Thinking and Geographic Information Science (STGIS2011)”.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    This study examined the process of geospatial thinking in the settings of map learning, geography education and spatial behavior of everyday life in order to clarify the effect of geospatial technologies on this process based on the theory and method of behavioral geography and cognitive psychology. Major findings obtained are as follows: (1) Teaching materials of maps made with GIS were applied to a high school geography class and revealed that they are effective to promote spatial thinking depending on the way of sequence and type of questions; (2) Since spatial thinking abilities consist of a variety of aspects, geospatial technologies have limited effects on human spatial thinking; (3) Map use in everyday life, travel experience and outdoor activities are effective to enhance the spatial thinking abilities.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2011 
    The aim of this study was to systematize the elements of spatial thinking and to explore the methods for promoting it with GIS based on behavioral geography and cognitive psychology. By dividing this theme into three subthemes, the following findings were obtained.(1) Concerning systematization of spatial thinking, we arranged the relationship between its three elements(viz., concepts, representation, and reasoning) and related concepts(e. g., spatial literacy and spatial abilities). An analysis of the factor structure through the questionnaire of sense of direction and spatial thinking proved that several independent factors are concerned with spatial abilities and spatial thinking.(2) Concerning the curriculum related to spatial thinking, we analyses the contents of the test questions with topographic maps used in the entrance examination held by the National Center for University Entrance Examination of Japan. The result showed that the skill of reading topographic maps demanded by geography education has changed according to the government curriculum guidelines. In addition, qualitative analysis of the verbal reports obtained from the subjects of university students revealed that the cognitive process of reading topographic maps varied with the types of questions and maps.(3) Concerning the promotion of spatial thinking with GIS, we developed teaching materials of GIS for the business of local government and tested its usefulness for municipal employees. However, we could not confirm the effect of GIS on the promotion of spatial thinking.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2009 
    Author : ISHIKAWA Toru
    Results from this research showed that differences in the methods of presenting route information (absolute vs. relative reference frames, maps vs. pictures) affect the ease of spatial orientation, especially for people with low spatial ability or a poor sense of direction. These results suggest possible ways to develop effective navigation systems, and point to the possibility of training the user's ability to orient in space (or the user's sense of direction) through practice with presentation formats that pose difficulty.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009 
    Author : WAKABAYASHI Yoshiki; MORITA Takashi; OKAMOTO Kohei; MURAKOSHI Shin; YANO Keiji; ARIKAWA Masatohi; SADAHIRO Yukio; ISHIKAWA Toru; TAKEDA Yuko
    The aim of this research is to examine the applicability of geospatial technologies to studies of spatial cognition and behavior and to develop new geospatial technologies based on the properties of human spatial cognition and behavior. The research project was conducted by dividing into four subthemes : (1) application of geocoding technologies, (2) application of analytical methods, (3) application of representational technologies, and (4) development of geospatial technologies based on the properties of human spatial cognition and behavior. Results of the research confirmed the applicability of geospatial technologies to several subjects of behavioral geography and we developed new tools for supporting communication of geospatial information.